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As the scene comes to life we are greeted to nothing but total darkness...we hear feint sounds nearby but still unable to see what they was or where they came from..then out of nowhere we see a match light up..the camera pans back slightly as we see the hand holding the small wooden match hover over white stick candle...the flame ignites the wick and light suddenly hits the room..finally we are no longer blind to what is happening..the match goes over to the opposite side and the flame ignites another candle stick and more light hits the room...the camera pans back some more as we see a figure dressed in a hooded leather coat all we see of the face is the chin and mouth the rest is hidden in the darkness and the overcast of the top of the hood we see him sitting behind a small wooden table his hands together..fingers interlocked with one another... the camera zooms in slightly towards the face..we can see that it is a man by the body frame..we focus in on the face and see an ever famliar looking smirk appears..he begins to speak as we sit back and listen to what he has to say...

My name is Marc one time is was Marc Vaughn Pearson...but now you can just call me M.V.P... and at one time I was known as one of the flashiest...

The scene flashes into black and white color as we see MVP back in EWF walking down the ramp..stopping halfway raising his fists in the air as pyro shoots off everywhere while wearing his then trademark airbrushed designed singlets..and then another quick flash to REV to him in another one of his singlets..this time coming out of a cloud of smoke and lasers dancing every where..

The scene flashes back to MVP under the hood..

The most charismatic...

The scene flashes back to black and white again where we see MVP making his very first appearance in ReWF playing to the crowd as he makes his way to ring...another flash and we see him with his former group Revolution X ..Shadowflare.."Twister" Terrence Thompson..and Wendy Briese..doing an in ring off a chuckle after most likely making a joke out of Hazardous and Todd Clayborne after abandoning the group..*flash* laughing and joking with Chet Denson while announcing TWF's Eruption..

We come back to the darkness..

The most talented..

Flash once again into black and white...we MVP flipping out of a hiptoss by Todd Clayborne and landing on his feet...*flash* MVP vandaminating a chair into the face of Jack The Stripper...*flash* performing a reverse muel kick on Entertainer Hawk..*flash* doing a series of holds and counterholds with Tobias Gray..*flash* landing a shooting star press on Blacktar Reynolds *flash* landing top rope somer sault neckbreack on "Bastardly" Brad Amrine...

Again into the darkness..

The most extreme..

Back to the black and white flash as we see MVP atop a steel cage jumping off landing a five star onto the Master of Darkness who is outside the cage on the ground prone... *flash* throwing Lou Gagliardi into a payne of glass...*flash* MVP jumping off an airborne motorcycle performing a crossbody block onto to Todd Clayborne in the Pit of Death...*flash* nailing Shadowflare with the then known Missile through a table...*flash* jumping from the top rope to floor through a table onto Terrence Thompson...

Again darkness..


*Flash*Todd Clayborne helping MVP fight off the A.E.P....another flash into the ring where they shake hands formings partnership...*flash* Shaking hands and embracing Tobias Gray after being defeated for the Commonwealth title...*flash* holding Atayla by the hair balling up his fist to punch her..but lets go instead...*flash* Carrying Wendy Breise to the back after being during her match with MVP...*flash* checking on KrANK after coming to his aid in TWF....

Wrestler in this industry..all that flash..charisma...has turned to darkness..yes it is still there...but in a way you never dreamed..sick..fucked up..that is what you will see before you soon enough... no longer will the bright and shining're just gonna get one fucked up individual....

MVP gets up and walks around the small dark room we can see the hooded leather coat extends just a few inches above the ankles... buttoned up all almost looking like a monk...still we can not see his face..all we see is his mouth he continues talk as he walks around rooms.

I'm sure many of you are wondering where I have been the last couple of months...yes it is true I disappeared the same night as Atayla did...the see Atayla created me to what you see or will see this coming Saturday..I was new to the darkness..I was fresh..all my life I battled and fought against the darkness..and now I am darkness itself..but yet I still fight the dark...why?..maybe because it's that small hint of light I have left in me..for they say..within the darkest of souls there's always a side that fights for justice..believe it or not Atayla has light somewhere within her..I know this for I have seen it..and felt it.. to sum it all up I was lost I needed guidance..I was still weak in I went searching for her..heard rumors..arriving to place where she had only left the day before...along the way I helped people that help..when the fight was too much or just simply pissed me off...I got up and fought...showing people...yes ..the dark is scary..but it's nothing to be afraid of...and when people finally realized that I went back to my search..until one day...

MVP walks over towards the camera and crouches we can now see little more of his face..we are able to see the nostrils of his nose we can hear his breathing...calm..soothing breaths as continues on...

I started to sense Atayla..which wasn't normal...Atayla never allowed me to sense her.. so I knew right there I was being called... it was then I saw her on television talking to an individual by the name of Crowe..pretty much saying we could make one hell of a team...personally I like to have a say on who I team with..but if Atayla has taken notice of him a man very new to this business then there must be something I won't argue...until I have something to argue about that of yet I have not met my "partner"..but I believe a meeting is now due...especially since we are booked for this week...

MVP stands and walks back over to the table and sits atop of it..he runs the fingers of his left above and through the flame of candle that is still burning on the table..seeming not hurting him or at not showing any visible or audible signs of pain..

Speaking of seems Mr. Ramirez thought it would be quite funny to pair up what could the most dangerous tag team to ever pair up...against the two most pathetic excuses for wrestlers I've ever witnessed...Joey and Melly...The TCW...

We can see MVP shake his head as he continues about his opposition...

I remember beating the shit out of all of those guys in the ReWF... those two in particular trying to help one of their own to beat me...which failed miserably...I beat the shit out of all of them...let me think...there was Joey..Melly..Coleman..Hardhat...and some other losers I don't remember...I'm starting to wonder if I'll really need Crowe for this match or if Crowe will need me for that matter...but now that think about and saw what went on early in the day...they have Stevey Love backing them up...of all people for that matter...but it seems now that even "Sweetness" himself has a price..they say money is the root of all evil...the Stevey Love I knew.. the man that gave me a shot to become no longer..all I see is the monster called greed...maybe one day Love will see the light..but until then the world lost a great man in Stevey Love... and the question for me is this..Should I try and help Stevey see the light or should I even give a see there is two sides to me light and's up to my opponents to who they will get..the honorable man that is still somewhere in me? or the cold blooded killer Atayla has created me you want your boys beaten fairly...or slaughtered like lambs?

One more thing....Joey..Melly..

MVP motions for the camera to come over is does MVP lowers his head the camera comes to within a few inches..MVP takes his left hand and lifts up and takes off the hood..and with a quick snap lifts his head revealing his face covered in the black and white paint smiling evily.

BOO!!! hehehehe

MVP lifts the candle sticks up and blows them out as it returns to total darkness..the scene fades out as we hear MVP laughing.