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My Favorite things to do:

My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Craigslist - Los Angeles Guide
Ebay - Need I say more?
When you're bored

Thank you for visiting my page. Would love to hear from you! I've lived in the San Fernando Valley most of my life. I am a single mom of two great kids and have a loving boyfriend. I'm always looking for new (female) friends. I have a criteria though...there are some qualities that I admire and some I will not tolerate. Let's start with the bad: I won't tolerate flakey, phoney, mean, stubborn, uninteresting, closed-minded, drama queens. I admire those who are patient, open-minded, open, honest, spirited, ethical and the list can go on. Feel free to e-mail me and let's get to know each other! And remember: "Unwillingness Always Finds An Excuse"
