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A1 Free christmas holiday screensaver disease ms ataxia

"A1 Free christmas holiday screensavers disease ms ataxia

My name is Daniel Vanderziel I'm 43 years old. About four years ago I was diagnosed with an aggressive disabling disease called SCA spinal cerebellar ataxia. The condition has basically the same symptoms as Multiple Sclerosis. I suffer extreme fatigue, severe ataxia, double vision along with a host of other related issues. There is no known cure or treatments for my condition.

I was a meat cutter for 20 years. I never took time off and was a very conscientious employee. I had to stop working in May of last year. I was having the hardest time doing the simplest tasks. My manager covered for me and helped me make it through the day for the last year of my employment. We finally made the mutual decision that I should stop working. It was the right thing to do. Not only was I a liability to the company but also to myself.

Meijer the company I worked for did not have much to offer as far as benefits. I lost my medical insurance and had no money coming in. I then applied for social security disability and was accepted. There was a 5 month waiting period before I would receive my first check but medicaid kicked in right away. During that time I was losing everything. I almost lost my home, my utilities were not being paid and my property taxes were not paid. With help from local churches and a few state run agency's, I was barely able to take care of my bills. I had never asked for any help from anyone before, but if I did not accept I would have lost it all.

Four months ago I had received a letter from social security informing me that my medical coverage was terminated. I was crushed. The government said that I had exceeded the amount of money that I could make in a month on SS disability. They had given it to me and then took it away. I just could not believe it! They give me just over a thousand dollars a month to take care of everything including food, medical insurance and the bills we all have. I had talked to my case worker several times and all she would say to me is that she was sorry and nothing could be done and that is the way the system works. I have a serious medical condition that requires constant medical care and medication. I don't have enough money for either. Who would insure anyone with a pre existing condition such as mine anyway. Doesn't the government understand that I did not intentionally get sick and reason I went on disability is because I have a serious medical condition? Are they going to say I'm sorry when I die from lack of medical attention? I have never been more confused and frustrated. And now the holidays are here. I have a 11 year old little girl Alyssa who I love very much and I can't buy her anything. My car is not running. I don't know what to do.

Can anyone please give me financial help. I hate the fact I have to resort to charity, but I have no other options. Thank you for taking the time to listen.

Sincerely Daniel Vanderziel


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