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*Glances around at webpage curiously* Yup, this is my site. *Looks around again and nodds* I know its not much, but its mine. Mine meaning that is was designed, founded, created and fussed over all by me. Me, being Alvit. Alvit the Valkyrie at your service *bows*.

Anyway, if you plan on staying you might as well look around a bit. There's some stuff to do, I can't actually say you you'll enjoy it, but it's better then waiting around here. I mean, what's to look at? A picture? The guestbook? (Which I would appreciate if you'd sign by the way.) Why don't you try one of those links over there? I'm sure I don't need to show you how to push a button so be off with you!

Peace, Love, and a Whole Lot of Candy Corn,
-Alvit the Valkyrie

July 2004

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please contact me at