[More Pictures!]
More photography..this is probably my more "amusing" stuff. Pictures from mall nights, family stuff, and a whole other crap load of pictures. Have fun, if the pictures don't already have little commentary underneath, they will soon!
[picture to right: Jade, giving my sister one really evil yet hilarious look. I took my sister out of the picture though because she's fugly. JK! I edited it a bit...can you tell? Oh well..Don't let the scary face fool you...she's actually one heck of a cutie! ^_^v]

This is J.T, he's one of the little preschoolers me and my friend Maria taught this week during Vacation Bible school.

My niece, Jade! This was at the "after-party" for my nieces baptism. Isn't she cute?

My brother, Brian and one of his 2 daughters, Elizabeth. Don't ask about the forehead..he burned it at work because he's a stupid-head...