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From the day he was born, he'd been groomed to take his future place as head of the McClarion Family. His education was the best that could be offered: history, languages, advanced math, strategic warfare, fencing and so much more. He was taught to take nothing for granted, not his position of the Family's wealth. While nothing was to good for the McClarion heir, he was far from coddled.

While he enjoyed his studies more then most, the true joy of his day was always his morning rides. A magnificent horseman, it was only then that he allowed his passions full reign, galloping wildly over the moors. Riding is his one true love, second only to his Family duty.

Now an adult of 27, he has proven himself to be a brilliant strategist, and while he is not the best of warriors, he can surely hold his own in a fight. But then, he always preferred to use his head rather than his sword arm. A quiet, often brooding man, his emotions are frozen behind a facade of cold and cultured manners. Many find him to be aloof, a stick in the mud. Few can see passionate soul within.