The Crisis on Infinite Earths

What was the Crisis?

Crisis on Infinite Earths was a 12-issue comic book mini-series published in Superman in Action Comics # 1127-1138 in which damage done to the multiverse, and in general Earth DC, by Dr. Geyser, who was trying to create a perfect universe, caused the DC Comics’ Crisis to replay itself. In both Crisises, a man, named the Anti-Monitor, attempts to destroy all life in the Multiverse. This redone AK Comics’ version also included AK Comics Earths like Earth A.

Note: Earth A was then called Earth Prime and the damage from Dr. Gesyer causes Earth DC to split into 6 different Earths.

Why did AK need a Crisis?

AK Comics needed to condense their multiverse and to repair damage done to the timeline by Dr. Geyser and the Alternate Adam’s trip into Earth DC/1. It was also needed to bring those back to life, killed in the AK/Angel Comics Crossover.

Who was killed in Crisis?

Those killed in Crisis were:
Crisis #1
The Crime Syndicate: Ultraman, Owlman, Superwoman, Johnny Quick, and Power Ring (Earth 3)
Lex Luthor of Earth 3
Lois Lane-Luthor (Earth 3)
Crisis #2
The Losers: Johnny Cloud, Gunner, Sarge, and Captain Storm (Earth 6)
Farmer Boy or Flower of Easy Company (Earth 6)
Nighthawk (Earth 1)
Lois Lane-Kent (Earth 2)
Crisis #3
Adam Kelly (Earth X)
Captain Germany (Earth X)
American Skull (Earth X)
Kid Psycho (Earth 4)
Princess Fern (Multi-Earths)
Lord Volt (Multi-Earths)
Crisis #4
The Monitor
Parallel Metropolis Superman/Adam Kent
Crisis #6
Adam Kent/Superboy (Earth-Alternate)
Katie Campbell-Kent (Earth-Alternate)
Dr. Geyser (Earth-Alternate)
Crisis #7
Superwoman (Earth Prime)
Sliver-Age Supergirl (Earth 1)
Crisis #8
Jar Jar Binks…really (Earth Prime)
The New Kryptonians and New Krypton (Earth Prime)
Flash Superman (Earth Prime)
The Planet and People of Lexor (Earth 1)
The Flash/Barry Allen (Earth Prime)
The Flash/Barry Allen (Earth 1)
Crisis #9
Lex Luthor (Earth 2)
Aquagirl (Earth 1)
Icicle (Earth 1)
Mirror Master (Earth 1)
Maaldor the Darklord (Earth 1)
The Lieutenant Marvels: Fat Marvel, Tall Marvel, and Hill Billy Marvel (Earth 5)
Dove (Earth 1)
Green Arrow (Earth 2)
Prince Ra-Man (Earth 1)
Clayface (Earth 2)
The Ten-Eyed Man (Earth 1)
Psimon (Earth 2)
Crisis #10
The Shaggy Man (Earth 2)
Starman II (Earth 2)
Sunburst (Earth 2)
Lori Lemaris (Earth 2)
Bug-Eyed Bandit (Earth 2)
Angle Man (Earth 2)
Kole (Earth 1)
Huntress (Earth 2)
Robin (Earth 2)
Crisis #11
Wonder Woman (Earth 2)
Dr. Mid-Nite (Earth S)
Atom I (Earth S)
Hourman (Earth S)
Sandman (Earth S)
Crisis #12
Hawkman I (Earth S)
Hawkgirl I (Earth S)
Johnny Thunderbolt (Earth S)
Starman (Earth S)
Bionic Man (Earth Prime)
Bionic Man 2 (Earth Prime)
Hawkman 2(Earth Prime)
American Dream (Earth Prime)
Spider-Girl (Earth Prime)
Green Lantern/Kyle Rayner (Earth Prime)
Clark Kent/Superman (Earth 2)
Alex Luthor (Earth 3)
and, of course, the uncountable lives lost when the multiverse was condensed.

What Happened in the Crisis?

Crisis # 1/1127- New Anti-Monitor and Monitor created, Pariah, Harbinger and Psycho-Pirate 2 return, Monitor and Harbinger get heroes together
Crisis # 2/1128- The Super Heroes attempt to stop destruction of the Monitor’s dimensional tuning forks so that the Earths can be joined together.
Crisis # 3/1129- Eagle learns of the Crisis after a some of the Earths he has visited are destroyed by Anti-Monitor, Earth X destroyed
Crisis # 4/1130- Monitor dies, while the Parallel Metropolis is destroyed
Crisis # 5/1131- Earth 1 & 2 merge. Earth C- Destroyed
Crisis # 6/1132- Earth-Alternate destroyed. Anti-Monitor vs. Timeshaper
Crisis # 7/1133- Earth 4, 5 & 6 merge. Earth C Destroyed. First attempt at attacking the Anti-Monitor.
Crisis # 8/1134- Earth Prime is attacked by Anti-Monitor. Flash of Earth 1 & Prime killed.
Crisis # 9/1135- Many of those killed in the Crossover are brought back to life. Super-Villians from all Earths join together and attack. Earth-Angel is permanently cut off from rest of multiverse.
Crisis # 10/1136- Earth 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 merge into Earth DC. Super- villians defeated.
Crisis # 11/1137- Heroes join to get and fight the Anti-Monitor at Dawn of Time. Earth S is attacked by the Anti-Mointor.
Crisis # 12/1138- Battle at Dawn of Time continued, Anti-Monitor killed.

What Earths were in the Crisis?

Earth Prime- AK Comics Universe, now called Earth A
Earth 1- Sliver age DC Comics Universe
Earth 2- Golden age DC Comics Universe
Earth 3- Reveresed DC Comics Universe
Earth 4- Charlton Comics Universe
Earth 5- The Fawcett Comics Universe
Earth 6- The Quality Comics Universe
Earth C- The Crownix Homeworld
Earth C2- The Slider’s Dimension
Earth S- The Smallville Universe, now called Earth B
Earth X- The Alternate AK Universe
Earth-Alternate: The Alternate Superman Dimension
Earth-Angel: Angel Comics Universe
Parallel Metropolis
Multi-Earths: 1,142 different Earths visited by Eagle and the Sliders
Qward A and DC

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