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 Well, for those of you who do not know yet, I am now a student at Lamar College in Beaumont Texas.

I am 33 years old and a Freshman again, WOOT.

I am working on a Bachelors of Science in Psychology. It is a 4 year program, and plan to get a

Masters and Doctorate in the future.

For your viewing pleasure I will be adding pictures of the campus, and maybe a few friends I have met here since I started August '05.

Last Semester I enjoyed taking classes such as Intro into Psychology, Philosophy of Knowledge, Public Speaking, Library Research, English Composition I, and College Algebra.

My total GPA was a poor 2.23. College Algebra killed me, I received a 26% on the first test and a 32 on the second, but I blame being out of school for so long, and a piss poor teacher. I received B in Psych, B in Philosophy, B in Speaking, A in Library, and a C in Eng Comp however.

This semester I am enrolled in Computer Science (Intro into micro computers), English Composition II, College Algebra (Again), Music Appreciation, and History of Psychology.

So far the Comp class is a joke, we are learning how to use Microsoft Office '03, and Windows XP. Supposed to be having a test in a few minutes out of a book that I have not bothered to buy yet. Fun Fun Fun.

English Comp II is interesting thus far. My Professor D. Falke a rather fascinating man. 33 years old, same as myself, and seems to have been through some shit, same as me. He has an interesting point of view when it comes to literature and writing. I do believe that I will get allot out of this class.

Music Appreciation is also an enjoyable class. Although I find myself now watching Phantom of the Opera or Oliver Stone's "The Doors", and instead of just enjoying the movie and the music, I am not analyzing the music. Finding the Timbre or the Tone. Is it in the Major scale or the Minor scale. I would not change the class however, it gives my mind a break after 2 hours of Algebra.

College Algebra. Last semester I was so lost it was not even funny. Had one Billy Read. One of the most useless teachers I have ever met. This time around I have one Freddie Titus. I am learning more about algebra in the first weeks than I did in the entire last semester. After I have algebra tutoring, with a very nice person by the name of Achala. Between her guidance and Titus's instruction I feel that I can make an "A" this time around, but would be happy with a "C"

Last class to talk about is my History of Psychology with Dr. Stewart. I had him for Philosophy of Knowledge last semester and enjoyed his teaching so much I decided to take him again. I also felt that History of Psychology would be a good class to get into, being that my major is Psychology. It will be good to be able to go back and see how the field has evolved. Though Psychology is still in its infancy, the concepts has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years.

Well that seems to be about all I have to say at the moment, Below is a link to a personal short story I have been working on, and over time it may turn into a novel, even if it is just for the eyes of friends who know where to look for it on the web.
