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The Hogwarts Express



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Harry Potter in Ancient Greek
British Classics teacher Andrew Wilson translated the first book of Harry Potter into ancient Greek and said that it is the longest text to have been translated into the ancient language in 1,500 years, according to the BBC. It took him a year to complete the project, which was commissioned by the publishers. The book will come out later this year, along with the Irish Gaelic version of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Mr. Wilson also said that the official line is that it can be used in schools to encourage people to learn Greek. He added that ˇ°having got kids reading English, J.K. Rowling is quite keen to have them reading Latin and Greekˇ±.

Queen invites JK
The Queen invited JKR to the palace. To celebrate Womens Day

JK Writes a letter
JKR wrote a letter to her older fans who started a project last year. The Letter is this...

Dear International Association of Potter Fans,
What can I say? Rarely do I receive such letters, and never before in one beautifully packaged collection..

I apologize most sincerely for the long wait for a response. You congratulated me on his birth - and no, he's not a Squib - but David is indeed the main reason that I am horrendously behind on my correspondence. Well - David and book 6 which (before the press start up again with the writer's block stories) is flowing like a mountain stream.

With many many thanks for sending me such a treat, I am

Yours most sincerely,

(signed) JKRowling

Carole Bouget in GOF
cCarole Bouget was cast in Goblet of Fire. For more info go here

GOF to be one Movie

GOF is susposed to be one movie. More info go here

POA to be PG-13?

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is rumored to be PG-13 for more info go

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  1. The Letters from NO ONE
  2. The Quibbler
  3. The Shrieking Shack