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Use this Phone Survey

Start off with this:

  • Would you be interested in a few minute survey about Avon?
  • If they say "NO" say thank you for your time. If they say yes keep going :-)
  • Hi My name is (your name), May I take just a min of your time?
  • I'm an Independant Avon Rep in your neighborhood
  • 1) Ask Do you currently have an Avon rep? If she says yes, ask
  • if she's satisfied with her service and if so, say great, thank her for her time.
  • 2) If she says no, ask if she'd be interested in having you provide her with a brochure
    every two weeks with no obligation?
  • If she says YES Ask for her name and number and let her know you'll be checking back
    with her to see if there is anything she would like to order.
  • Tell her you make Gift Baskets also.(If you do or want to)
  • Tell her you live in the neighborhood and hand her your business card.
  • Let her know you have a website if she prefers to get direct delivery you can send it FREE s/h.
  • The code is FSANY (dont forget to tell them to update at the bottom of the page to receive the FREE s/h)
  • or you can bring them a book every two weeks if they like
  • Thank her for her time and let her know you'll call a few days before the order goes in .
  • Also let her know she will get 10% off her order if she refers a friend