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Bylaws Of Crestridge Association, Inc.

All information contained on this website is intended for the purpose of converting our "mandatory" HOA to a "voluntary" HOA. This website contains many facts herein which are supported with actual copies of documents and/or figures that were supplied to me from our HOA and/or Management Company. All other writings herein are based on my beliefs and/or thoughts on these issues.


Near the bottom of this page, you will find a link to the Bylaws of our Association. Once again, I offer you the chance to read through them completely, but to do so would be of your own choice. What I do ask of you, is to notice 3 points of interest. I have marked these areas of interest with blue arrows.

In Article VII, Section 2(c)(2), located near the bottom of page 5, you will find a direct violation of these Bylaws that I believe was committed by Spectrum and Crestridge HOA, alike. Please take a moment to view our Bylaws and familiarize yourself with what it says. Then, return to this page and visit the 2 links directly below, marked with red arrows.
Actual copy of the notice sent to us for assessment increases in 2007
Actual copy of our bill for 2007
Did you find the problems? Alright, so I helped out a little by pointing at what to look for. Point is, that Spectrum and Crestridge HOA, by their own rules, tell us that they must give us 30 days notice if they are going to increase our assessment dues. That did not happen. Get mad!
Article III, Section 6, located near the top of page 3 is about Proxies. Real simple here...we all have the right to vote, either in person or by proxy. All proxies must be in writing and filed with the Secretary. Please help me with this, neighbors. I will be asking you, before you leave this site, to fill out 3 different proxies. What I ask of you, is to not give them to the Secretary, but instead, give them to someone more trustworthy. Me. I will then take all of the proxies accumulated, and give them all to the Secretary at the same time. I would hate for any of these proxies to get lost, if you know what I mean. Thank you in advance on this issue.

Article III, Section 2 is about special meetings and is the fourth paragraph down on page 2. It states that a special meeting will be called if written requests are given by at least 1/8 of the homeowners. Ultimately, this will be 1 of the 3 proxies that I will be asking you to fill out later. It would be a special meeting for the purpose of dissolving our HOA, as we know it. But, more on that, later...

img Actual copy of Bylaws Of Crestridge Association, Inc. img
*the above link is a 10 page .pdf file, please allow several seconds to load*

Did you do what I said and get mad? If so, click here: 3 Very Important Proxies - These Concern All Of Us

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