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Ok this site is
confusing for me
so bare with me
ppl im trying to
figure it out ok sry
for any

Prepare to download teamspeak im currently trying to get a server up for us it
requires a microphone and speakers
ok hey i know the
stuff here ant workin
right yet well bare
with me ok im a kid i
got homework lol so
im trying my hardest
plz be patiant
So think u can solo a kyrat dragon? or help fight nightsisters?
Or have no idea how to fight and u just heal or craft or hey maybe
dancing is your thing well we at task want you well train you good
To learn more about this game plz click
on this hyper link
this is the starwars
main home page

Hmm, what to say what to say  we are an extremely active guild on the server
wanderhome of starwars galaxies we welcome anyone as long as they arent
annoying lol our rules are simple do not cause another member to leave do not
beg for money do not disrespect anyone no threats and above all do not insult
me the leader Xero Lone
and or any one above rank 5  our punishment is as
follows by level of serious misconduct: tho with 3 strike u are kicked form task

1. warning
2. strike
3. probation
4 imediate expulsion from guild
WE have guild hunts everyother day when we recruit someone new or
experanced we help them master one skill or hepl them get faction pts

Guild rewards =-)
You had to know there was a positive side lol well we give free homes
basically free armor swoops weapons u name it oh and resources to crafters
basically anything spare we got on hand is free lol
Mr.langen hey this is
daniel T. how do u like my
website? hope u enjoyed
it!! =*) and everyone else
too thanks to everyone in
task for helping me get
motavatied enough to
make this and to
Mr.langen thnxs for
getting me started. =)

Me.. =) im happy to just
get this workin
Like what u see? / Contact info
If u do feel free to email me or if u have questions ill answer them this game is
for the pc or im on aol instant message my s/n is
Xero Calzac Lone  im
on there all the time my email tho is
1.Xero Lone & Wing Fishy
2.Quixilver & Dan'ser
3.Bosco & -shadow- & keokuk
4. Rerick
& picalo
6. hmm i dont know anymore off
hand lol sry everyone my bad

Trained Assains
Specailized Killers
Galaxies Player
Association Guild
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