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Perhaps the most famous of all the rumors about Area 51 is the Aurora Project. The rumor is that a successor to the SR-71 is being or is built. The famed stealth recon jet is said to be able to reach Mach 8-20 (opinions vary) and is the most advanced craft built by human hands. Reports of sonic-booms, strange jet contrails, and the craft itself have happened from as far as Scotland. "The most famous places where these sightings were made were at RAF Machrihanish, located on the Mull of Kintyre in Scotland." ("Black Projects") "On 16 November 1998, a camcorder video was taken of a mysterious "fireball" in the sky. While this was very interesting, what was even more amazing was the aircraft which was seen shortly after flying at very high speed producing the mysterious "donuts-on-a-rope" contrails." ("Aurora") On top of all that, Area-51 has a runway spanning 6-12 miles. Something has to be going very fast to need a 6 mile stip of land to stop. Something going, let's say, Mach 20? The government funded a top-secret project to follow up on the SR-71 also. "In FY 1986, the defense budget, a line appeared near the funding for the TR-1 fleet. It was title "Aurora". It was to receive $80 million in 1986, and over $2.2 billion in 1987. " ("Aurora Spy Plane") The government was obviously creating something to follow the SR-71, which had retired long before this project came to be. Area-51 is also rumored to have had dealt with Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence in the past, such as the famous incident of Roswell. "According to reports, a UFO crashed during a violent thunderstorm in a remote area of New Mexico, just Northeast of Corona around July 2, 1947." ("Hanger 18") For 60 years many still believe that a UFO really did crash- land in the desert that day, and the base has been hiding it ever since. A rumor that the government is re-building and using the crashed UFO's has came up also. (insert book thing) The government allegedly took beings from the Roswell crash back to Area-51 and filmed an autopsy on them, this is known as the infamous "Alien Autopsy" film. ("Alien Autopsy") The film has sparked much controversy and had (has) many people questioning the U.S. Governments position on the matter. Again and again the government denies everything. Area-51 is rumored to have had other dealings with ETs, where an alien was interrogated. "The color video footage, which lasts for a total of two minutes and fifty-five seconds, was apparently smuggled out of the secret Groom Lake "Area 51" facility in Nevada by a man referring to himself as "Victor".The video film depicts a Grey alien being interrogated at the government facility. " ("Extra-Terrestrial Interview") One theory is that aliens actually live inside the earth, not carbon-based like other creatures. "Life forms so alien that scientists may simply not have recognised evidence of their existence could inhabit the Earth, according to a leading scientist. Dr Tom Gold, emeritus professor of astronomy at Cornell University in America, believes that organisms based on silicon - completely unrelated to all the carbon-based life man has encountered so far - may live at great depths." ("Alien Life-Forms May Be Inside the Earth") ------------ Area 51/Dreamland --- Area 51, also known as Dreamland, is located 95 miles north of Las Vegas near Groom Dry Lake, surrounded by the Nevada Test Site and Nellis Air Force Range. The closest town to Area 51 is Rachel, just north of the base Black Projects --- The most famous places where these sightings were made were at RAF Machrihanish, located on the Mull of Kintyre in Scotland. Aurora --- On 16 November 1998, a camcorder video was taken of a mysterious "fireball" in the sky. While this was very interesting, what was even more amazing was the aircraft which was seen shortly after flying at very high speed producing the mysterious "donuts-on-a-rope" contrails. Aurora Spy Plane --- In FY 1986, the defense budget, a line appeared near the funding for the TR-1 fleet. It was title "Aurora". It was to receive $80 million in 1986, and over $2.2 billion in 1987. Hangar 18 --- According to reports, a UFO crashed during a violent thunderstorm in a remote area of New Mexico, just Northeast of Corona around July 2, 1947. "Alien Autopsy" --- *paraphrased* The Extra-Terrestrial Interview --- The color video footage, which lasts for a total of two minutes and fifty-five seconds, was apparently smuggled out of the secret Groom Lake "Area 51" facility in Nevada by a man referring to himself as "Victor".The video film depicts a Grey alien being interrogated at the government facility. Alien Life-Forms May Be Inside the Earth --- Life forms so alien that scientists may simply not have recognised evidence of their existence could inhabit the Earth, according to a leading scientist. Dr Tom Gold, emeritus professor of astronomy at Cornell University in America, believes that organisms based on silicon - completely unrelated to all the carbon-based life man has encountered so far - may live at great depths.
