Wufei and Trowa

Like Heero, i think that their personalities are a little to similar for this to happen. Trowa seems to need someone overly kind and caring to break through his hard shell. He seems even harder than Heero, in a sense, because at least at times you see through Heero, but Trowa is always unreadable. Wufei would probably age ten years faster than normal if he tried to go after Trowa.

Doesn't seem that they would have meaningful or great sex. Just a release, if they ever did it.

Marraige Prospects
It would take a special person to marry Trowa, and Wufei is not that person.

Well, they do spend some time together after Wufei gets defeated by Trieze, where they seem to "have a quiet camraderie at least**."

Possibly one could be attracted to eachother under the right circumstances (last two men on earth..) but i dont think they would ever work out very well as a couple.

**quote by Lena Ban Obsidian

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