
I only have a meager selection so far, so please submit some!

I Dreamed a Dream
A sad but good little poem/fic about wufei and a certain someone.
Warnings: shonen ai implications
Pairings: 5x?

You Don't Have to Show Me
A really sweet fic about Duo and Wufei, but ::gasp:: Duo loves Heero and Heero loves Duo, but Duo loves Wufei, and oh my, what is a pilot to do?
Warnings: yaoi, lime, angst
Pairings: 1x2, 2x5
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V

*New* Claimed by Death, Stolen by Life
Yemen's Ashes She just keeps getting better and better, ne? A very well written fic about Wufei and unrequited love.
Warnings: yaoi, angst
Pairings: 3x4 5+4

Yemen's Ashes
A crazy everyone likes everyone else fic with a slightly depressing twist. Its good though.
Warnings: yaoi,angst.
Pairings: you name it, its probably there

Yemen's Ashes
A little sad, but hey, its all about Wufei and Duo! I recomend this one. Warnings: yaoi, angst, lime. Pairings: 5x2, 2+1, 1xR, 3x4?

The Faults of Life
Yemen's Ashes
A sequel to Tears. Good fic for a more satisfying ending to its prequel. Warnings: yaoi, angst, lime. Pairings: 5x2, 2+1, 3x4

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