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Magical Av painting by

King Warlock & Lord-Wolffin


welcome to our shop we hope you

enjoy your stay here .

we are all here to have a good time so just have fun

and enjoy yourselves as long as you dont cause trouble.

please do not im the painters before asking whether you are friends or not and no fighting or bad language and no nude avs unless given permission.

thank you



Through the darkened nights and broken dreams we often see that our life isn't what it seems.

Dreary days they come and go leaving us with a sense of false hope that the next will somehow be better than the last.

We cant let the little things upset us so for we have the bigger things that wont let us go.

Some get on their knees and pray to a god they believe is there listening to what they have to ask.

Others deny that same god but blames him for all that has been wronged in there past.

I say believe in who you are and know that the mind is capable of anything .

But dont forget who got your mind where it is today.





will smith