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                                                                                      Endless Night

                                                                                     Hello and Welcome to Endless Night.
                                                                                          Please allow me to introduce myself
                                                                                         I am the one and only Veggiegirl101
                                                                                       and I'm pleased to make your aquatince
                                                                                      please stick around for a while and roam
                                                                                        around there are plenty of things to see
                                                                                           and do and if you need any help I'm
                                                                                                     only an e-mail away!

                                                                                                       View My Guestbook
                                                                                                       Sign My Guestbook

                                                                           If anyone has any pictures or fanfics that they would like to send
                                                                                                   please do so here. Thank you.


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                                                                                                   Site Belongs to Veggiegirl101
                                                                                                      Art credit belongs to Waya,
                                                             Gundam SEED is copyrighted to Sunrise , Donnot copy or steal anything
                                                                                                     L ayout Designed by Incense