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Yeah if you like whut u see...u can hit me up on aim at spiida44 or msn at
sUp miGeNtE
...tHis hEre iS mY pAGe anD thiS iS whAt i gOt tO sAy aBoUt mySeLf. i aM bLaCk, iNdiAn, aNd iRisH(iNdiAn anD iRiSh aRe rEaL sMaLL pArtS oF mE). i`m 6 fEeT taLL. I LikE tO pLay sPorTs, a lOt. thEres mOre sTuFf aBout mE, i juSt caNt tHink oF iT noW. i siGnEd uP foR tHiS weBsitE tO meEt soMe pEopLe aNd jUst hAvE fuN. iF yOuR iNtErEstEd aNd wAnT tO kNow moRe aBouT mE jUsT cOntAcT mE iN onE thE mAnY wAys oN tHe pAgE. hoLLa aTcHa bOy...1.
