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welcome to my site, click on the links to the left (when updated...) and sign my guestbook in order to destroy the virus that has been jus dled into ur cpu. lol, jjk. (stuff will be up in... 10 oclock)
edit: sum stuff up, not alot or worth while tho...


03.04.19 8:43 PM

wow, its been a week since ive updated, neway, i styll cant update this site, im busy. in other words, i'll finish it wen i feel like it. so i'll completely open it sumwhere in 2005. neway, nuffin much happend dis week. except kurisu is single and i payed the price for reminding him. and now it seems like purishira isnt freinds with kurisu nemore, so now he wouldnt beat me up if i sed i had a crush on her. not dat i do, im jus saying. if i wasnt so lazy, id delete that last sentence, but i procrastinate and being lazy shudnt b a suprise. it also shudnt b a surprise hu is reading dis, after all, she is da only person reading dis. as i sed, if i wasnt so lazy, id delete it, but unfortunatly, i am. neway ima rambling on, ima gonna watch tv now. sayon

03.04.13 7:17 PM

day 4.5: i didnt construct more yet cuz my internet screwed me agen. furthermore, im very worried about tmr. heres a lil advice, wen u tell ur freind a girl looks like a man and that freind tells her, and she comes into the room giving u a stare, write ur will and run for ur friggen life. seriously tho, i cud hav sworn a new girl showed up at sku. neway, i also cant upload cuz ima busy downloading luv hina movies. at this rate, it'll b done in 15 hours. it wud hav prolly been finished today had not my computer froze. so neway, im not updatin nefing except my rants. bak to sku, i think shes prolly gonna kill me tmr. how da hell do i get into dese messes. xtinas prolly rite, i never think through what i say, and dun even get me started on wut happend at the halloween dance. neway, i swear i'll go bak to constructing tmr.

03.04.12 1:67 pm

day 4: bak to work starting today, construction will resume for the next week, well, not really today, all i added was a mp3 page with only 2 songs, so... ya. at this speed of construction, id say that this site will be fully up and running in... early june 2004.

03.04.07 6:23 PM

day 3: its been day 3 of my website and i finally hav time to update it. i must bget back to work leaving you with a msg: "if ur readings this, u either know me, or u need to get a friggen life!"

edit: 6:49. i jus gotz da table up. lol, had to copy da code frum tracy's page. newayz, i'll get links started asap