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Sloshbone's Dark and Evil Story Time...

Sloshbone's dark and evil stories, written by the one and only Sloshbone.
Click the link to read the corresponding story...


Father Bob Enter

First Page
Second Page
Third Page
Fourth Page
Fifth Page
Sixth Page
Seventh Page
Eighth Page
Ninth Page
Tenth Page
Eleventh Page
Feed Back

Based on a true story of the new priest at Saint Mary's Catholic Church in Laurinburg, North Carolina...not as holy as it sounds. Psycho priest?? Maybe...Holy man?? Hell no.

or, read this story:


Doreen Enter

Chapter One-Page One
Chapter One-Page Two
Chapter One-Page Three

Slut. Pain. Suffering. Death. Doreen....

You've read the prologue (if not, it's comin soon), now read some of the first chapter...

I spent a while on this site...please click the feedback links, and then the feedback icon, and send me an email of what you think about this site...thanx.
Copyright 2004. All content within these web pages are the original content of the author, Josh Slone, and may not be reproduced in any way, shape, or form, without the written permission from the author (me). If violations of this copyright occur, the persecutor will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Thank you, and have a nice day...or burn in hell, while paying out the ass in lawsuits.