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Silent Clown

Neamo: Heya! Welcome to Silent Clown! A shrine dedicated to the best character from Gundam Wing: Trowa Barton! *Waves Trowa flag madly in the air*
(Well...I think he's the best, my friends don't...;_;...they all like...HEERO! X_X *thunder crash*)
Anyways, feel free to look around, visit my friend's sites etc. I will be doing more stuff to this site once I have TIME to...Oh, and don't try to take anything...That's called stealing and you'll upset Duo...

Random Person (RP): I thought this was a TROWA site?
Neamo: *Whacks RP round head with HTML book* Duo is the second best fool!
Anyways, I've disabled right-click so HA! ALL YOU IMAGE STEALERS SHALL NOW PERISH! *runs around room waving Duo's scythe and begins slicing up the sofa*
Trowa: *sigh* Like she said, look around, visit stuff, knock yourselves out. Email Neamo at if you have anything to say etc, etc...
Neamo: *stares at shredded sofa and blinks* -_-U

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