Shinimegami's Lair

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*Duo runs around in circles* I'm the site mascot! I'm the site mascot!

Kitsune-chan: *takking away at keys on the laptop*

Laptop: Junp! HOEEEE!?! HOEEEE?!?! Fry!

Aitsuki: grr....SHUT THAT STUPID THING UP!!!!!!!

Laptop: Game over.

Kitsune-chan: WHAT THE HECK?!?!?!

Laptop: Moon girl over there was annoying me, and I can't yell at her while running Cardhunter, ya know.

Kitsune-chan and Aitsuki: O,o

Laptop: Alright Sailor Moon, what's wrong with video games?

Aitsuki: rrg...There's nothing wrong with video games...just you calling me names...

Laptop: Well Moony, I hope you like games...'cause you're gonna GET GAMES!!!!!! *whiiiiir* *BEEP* *clickity* *koosh koosh*

Doorbell: Door, someone's at the door!

All: Door?

Aitsuki: *answers the door* We don't want any cookies-WHAT THE HECK?!?!?!

UPS guy: Yeah, umm...I've got 6838 copies of 'Virtua Fighter 4' here, you gonna sign for 'em?

Aitsuki: *opens mouth*

*closes it* *opens mouth again*

*closes mouth and thinks*

*looks at viewers* I know you're expecting some witty comeback, but you know what? I just can't think of one.

Laptop: Like heck you can't.

*sings in Japanese to a song she doesn't know the title of...or even all the lyrics*
July 20, 2002
Added a few quotes and a heckuvalot of banners. I may work on some other stuff, but I've been busy woth my other comic and my new job...yes, I KNOW I'm only 12, but I have a 'job' with Studio Sweet Sentiments. We write manga. I translate it into different languages, but the going's been slow, 'cause my translation program ain't workin' well. Wait, why am I going on like this here? That's what I do at my webcomic page!!!
Sleep schmeep. Schmeep? SHEEP! One...zzzzz...
June 26, 2002
Added more quotes and gonna work on some general upkeep on the me, it's needed.

Fan Art