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Our Gundam Wing Home Page-One might call it a shrine...

Kat: Hilo peoples!! This is my page, not yours!

Karosai: Now Kat, be nice to the people. Our page is currently under construction, so please revisit any time!

Kat: ~*~sticks her tongue out at Karo~*~ Anyways! I put up my first story, "Complete", "Everlasting" will be up within a week.

Duo: Hey hun, don't forget to put in the disclamers and warnings.

Kat: Oh yeah! We own only Kat and Karo, and any children we make our boys have. Um...oh and warnings there are some yaoi(guy&guy) relationships/partial sex scenes, some pics may be very yaoi, but I doubt it. So if you don't like gay guys put it nicely...go away.

Kat: Our fics?
Karo: Not just ours silly!

Kat: My e-mail's:
Karo: And my e-mail's:
Kat: Sorry there's no link, I'll fix that later.

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