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Scratch's Own Little Universe!!!

You are walking through the woods in the dark of night when you hear a soft rustling in the leaves. You look around to see where the sound is coming from, but you just can't see anything except the silhouette of the trees and bushes against the deep blue sky. You hear the sound again, louder this time, and you whirl around. There, in the bushes, you see two glowing green eyes, staring at you. You gasp as the thing steps out of the bushes, where you can see it clearly. It is a young cougar, wearing a dark cloak. The wind blows harshly, and the hood of her black cloak falls back. You can then see that it is Scratch, the cougar who will one day rule the world... She blinks at you, almost smiling, and then she begins to speak...

Good evening, young traveler, and welcome to my own little universe. This universe won't be little for long, though. One day in the near future, I, Scratch Chang-Yuy, plan on ruling the world! MWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! Oops... sorry, that just kind of... slipped out. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your stay here in my universe, because soon I will put awesome stuff up here. Well, now it's all up to you. Explore. Wander. Go wherever your heart desires. Oh yeah, and if it's not too much trouble, please sign my guestbook and vote at my polls. Remember, one day my universe will be real. Until then, I will watch over this little universe! MWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!

Wufei sez: Have a good day

You'll view the guestbook, won't you?

Please, sign my guestbook!

A passing cougar stops before you and asks, Where will you go in Scratch's universe?

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