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~*My Shrine to Vegeta-sama!!*~


*SOB* Finally, there’s a section of this miserable lil site dedicated to the Saiya-jin Prince! Yeah, I was going to make a whole site about Vegeta, but…I sorta got side tracked into making a GW one instead! (sorry Veggie! ^^) Well, this is a part just for the Vegeta fans out there, here I’ll hopefully include anything and everything you need to know about the Saiya-jin! Picture and whatnot, y’know the usual stuff you’d expect to see in a fan shrine.

Ummm, I could go into a really long explanation as to why I felt compelled to make a Vegeta shrine, but knowing me, that could go on all day (time which neither you, nor I have got ^^)

Wufei: Wait…
Alia: Huh?
Wufei: You…dedicated a part of this Gundam Wing site to a …a VEGETABLE?!
Alia: No! It’s Vegeta!! There’s no –ble in it.
Wufei: Vegeta, Vegetable…what’s the difference?
Duo: Who is the Veg guy then?
Alia: Who is he?! WHO IS HE?!?! He’s just the most strongest, coolest cleverest-
Heero: Who is he?
Alia: A Saiya-jin
Trowa: A whaaat?
Alia: Look, just check this section out, and come back to me ok?
Wufei: Pshhht! I don’t think so, I’m no fan of a vegetable…

Hey! Don’t listen to him! This is my personal shrine to Veggie ^^ I mean Vegeta!

Heh, ok I've been working overtime on this here Shrine, so do me the justice of looking through all of it! I promise, it will get a lot bigger...

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Vegeta: Where the hell am I?!!?

Alia: Mwahaha!! Don't try to escape now Veggie...

Vegeta: *pauses* Are you talking to me?

Alia: *nods*

Vegeta: My name is VEGETA, but Prince Vegeta to a lowlife like you!

Alia: Hey, hold it Veggie, this is my page here. So your Saiyan status whatnot means absolutely nothing here.

Vegeta: WHAAAAAT!?! You're gonna regret you ever said that woman-

Duo: So...this is the mighty Vegetable?

Vegeta: ......

Alia: Hey, Duo watch it, this guy is strong...

Duo:Psshhht Yeah right! Compared to the great Shinigami, he's just a lil carrot!

Vegeta: C-C-Carrott?! *grits his teeth*

Alia: DUO! Get outta here right now!!


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