Kitty's Fan Fics
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We Belong

Chapter 2

Author: Alexa

Disclaimer: Standard Disclaimers apply

Author's Notes: I don't know if L4 actually has this sort of stuff. Deal.


She walked down the street, looking at the stars. It was wonderful to be able to see them all the time again, even in the middle of the day. She had missed that. She looked back down, narrowly missing walking into someone. Of course, there were things on Earth she missed too. People...

Dorothy shook her head. She couldn't let him get to her. L4 was her new home. She was going to stay there, no matter what. L4 was home now. She kept walking briskly, looking for a building to call home. Her hair was tucked up in a hat, and to keep herself warm, she wore a heavy coat. Didn't anyone on this colony know about heat? She wondered, rushing faster into nothing.

Quatre hurried down another street. Where was she? It felt like he was searching the whole damn colony. Wasn't small, could be weeks, even months before he found her. Damn. Why the hell couldn't she have waited another day? It was freezing out here.

He stopped and bought a pretzel from a street vendor, and walked along, munching away, his mind on auto-pilot for girls with long blonde hair. It began to snow.

She had been searching for hours, and only turned up one place, in the bad part of the colony. Ok, maybe L4 wasn't her new home. If she didn't find something in a few days, she'd try L3.

She was walking down the street on one side, very close to the buildings, when she tripped over something. Maybe someone. She went flying, landing hard on the cold pavement, scraping her hands harshly.

To make matters worse, his shoe came untied. He had to stop to tie it, and moved over so he could do so. He was about to stand when something knocked into him. He went flying onto the pavement. The something, he now saw, was a girl, a hat perched jauntily on her head. He scrambled to his feet and hurried over to her.

"Miss, are you alrigh--Miss Dorothy? Miss Dorothy!" He cried happily.

It was Quatre. How in the world had he ended up crouched on the ground on the L4 colony right where she was walking...? She found herself blushing just at the sight of him.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. Just a few scrapes on my hands."

"I didn't mean that. You know what I'm talking about," Quatre said, very serious. She realized it was snowing. It was so beautiful, the way it caught in his hair, in his eyelashes, landed on his pink cheeks...she found herself staring and looked away.

"Yes, I know. I'm fine, Qua--Mr. Winner."

She was so pretty. The snow caught on her, the fall had made her cheeks pink--or was she blushing? Whatever it was, she was beautiful and his heart was hers immediately. It was the only explination he had for what he did next.

He kissed her. Right on the very lips that had held him hypnotized the night before. He leaned back after a moment, suddenly shy.

She was shocked. He had kissed her. It hadn't been much...just a brush of the lips, really, nothing she hadn't had before. But for some reason her heart raced and she relished the lingering feel of his lips on her, the gently pressure the kiss had exerted. She noticed he was blushing.

"Have you ever done that before?" She asked softly, barely wondering at her own bravery.

"No," he answered softly. He was also amazed. She hadn't run. She hadn't smacked him. She actually seemed...happy.

"Then I'd better educate you," she said after a moment, leaning in. She guided his lips gently to hers with one hand on the back of his neck. He leaned in ardently.

Chapter 3