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Miss Mia Rahaman (middle) Miss Guyana











Miss Rahaman, preparing for the Miss Universe Crown 2002







Miss Gopaul (former Miss Guyana) with President Jadgeo













Suresh Dhaniran (left) and Timur Mohamed (right)







Sarwan in action (left) Chanderpaul half century (right)












Shivnarine Chanderpaul   President Jagdeo in India  Miss India Guyana




Guyana Cricketers  Achievements  Crimes Terror on Indo Guyanese  Amnesty wrote Jahajis  Dialogue  Indian Cricketers  Jahaji's Descendants  Plantation  Movie clips Trinidad Don't forget them Indentureship in Guyana  Grandparents Guyana by Marina Budhos Marina Budhos Chanderpaul Pumpkin Man  Raj Kumari Terror Culture