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Model number: MSM-07
Code name: Z'Gok
Unit type: mass production amphibious mobile suit
Manufacturer: MIP Company
Operator: Zeon
First deployment: Pre War(deployed several months before the end of the war)
Accomodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: head height 18.4 meters
Weight: empty 69.5 metric tons; max gross 88.9 metric tons
Construction: titanium/ceramic composite on monocoque frame
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 2570 kW
Propulsion: rocket/hydrojet thrusters: 4 x 20000 kg, 2 x 16000 kg; optional hydrojet booster packs: 2; vernier thrusters/apogee motors: 9
Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 1.26 G; maximum water speed 118 knots
Equipment and design features:
• sensors, range 5100 meters
Fixed armaments:
• 2 x beam cannon, mounted in hands
• 6 x torpedo launcher, mounted in head
Optional fixed armaments:
• none
Optional hand armaments:
• none
Remote weapons:
• none
• Following in the wave of amphibious mobile suits being developed for the Principality of Zeon's Earthside war front during the end of the Great War, MIP Company's first production model mobile suit was the highly successful MSM-07 Z'Gok. Being both fast in the water and agile on land, the Z'Gok had learned from Zimmad Company's prototype MSM-03 Gogg and Zeonic Company's failed MSM-04 Acguy, replacing the bulky ballast water tanks normally used for cooling the suit's reactor out of water with an air-cooled fan system. The Z'Gok also has mega particle cannons mounted in the claw-hands for easier aiming, and large-capacity magazines for its missile launchers. All of these factors made the Z'Gok perhaps the most successful line of amphibious mobile suits used by the Principality of Zeon.