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Model number: RMS-019
Code name: Crouda
Unit type: mass production heavy armor space combat mobile suit
Manufacturer: Jovian Alliance
Operator: Jovian Alliance
First deployment: 0009 EC
Accomodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: overall height 18.8 meters
Weight: empty 8.4 metric tons; max gross weight unknown
Construction: titanium alloy ceramic composite
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rating unknown
Propulsion: ?
Performance: ?
Equipment and design features:
• sensors, range ? meters
Fixed armaments:
• 2 x 40 mm vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head
Optional fixed armaments:
• none
Optional hand armaments:
• 2 x beam rifle, powered by rechargable energy cap
• beam cutter
Remote weapons:
• none
• Following the apocalyptic end of the Great War, the Jovian Alliance found itself lacking in military strength. It would take several years before they would be able to build themselves up to a decent fighting level. This next generation mobile suit is another step forward in the Jovian's MS technology, replacing aging models like the RMS-006 Jenice. Aside from being highly maneuverable, the Crouda's armor is powerful enough to withstand a direct shot from a beam weapon. The Crouda carries a fairly standard armament consisting of vulcan guns and beam rifles, but its main innovation is it's beam cutter. Mounted on the back, this knife-like cutting weapon can cut mobile suits in half or slice into the hull of a battleship.