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Name: Vladimer Ivanova
Nickname: Count Vlad
Gender: Male
Nationality: Romanian
Status: Nobility
Mobile Suit: GH-00MS2 Tallgeese Vlad Custom
Title: Count / Board Member - Getter Heavy Industries
Organization: Romanian Empire
Age: 36
Hair Color: Purple
Eye Color: Purple
(Need details)
Training/Special Abilities:
Naturally high Dexterity and Intelect. Swordsmanship (both fencing and heavy weapons fighting), diplomacy, and can play the piano. Also received training in MS piloting, engineering and repair after the collapse. He has also self trained in several martial arts through the war, but has mastered none.
Outwardly he almost always has a cheery demeneor, woe be to the person that gets past this facade though. Underneath is a cold, calculating, and greedy machine(man behind the curtain). After his long fight, he truly belives that anything he can take is rightfully his.
Greed, ego, and his undying loyalty to the Empire.
Vlad grew up a mostly typical aristrocratic life. At the age of 18 his father "Disappeared" and Vlad was named his successor at his 19th birthday celebration. When the collapse came it was Count Ivanova who ushered the Prince and Princess to safety, and those servants of his that remained that kept them safe. The children's safety was his top priority Vlad saw fit to seperate them, so that no single attack could kill both of the heir apperants. Unfourtunatly this led to them growing up in very diffrent environments and rather unlike one another. Vlad made the excuse that this was the wish of the late Queen.

After aiding in the assault that took back their former capitol, he was reinstated as a Count and continued to look over the sibling rulers as guardian. He made it known that it was the Queen's wish that they both rule equally, however he has been known to favor one or the other depending on what he sees in it for himself. After retaking much of what was once theirs, Vlad had set himself to defending the Empire and has taken a hand in overlooking MS designs as a board member of Getter Heavy Industries, the chief supplier of Mobile Suits to the Romanian Empire.