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Name: Osvaldo Pugliese
Nickname: Pug
Gender: Male
Nationality: Italian American
Status: Officer
Mobile Suit: RGM-79P Powered GM
Organization: New Earth Alliance
Rank: Lieutenant
Age: 25
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Grey
Osvaldo is 6'1", 210lbs. He wears the standard New Earth Alliance uniform and in combat their standard pilots suit. When he has time off he usually wears casual clothing that fits the occasion (T-shirts, jeans, etc.). He also has a scar on his left cheek near the jaw line that he got from his days in the infantry.
Training/Special Abilities:
Other then the standard training he received in basic training and officer candidate school, Osvaldo relies on the street smarts he picked up while living in the harsh landscape of North America.
Osvaldo often acts too mature for his age, but this is because he was forced to grow up as he struggled to survive and provide for the others who he lived with. Despite this, he is rather easy to get along with and can be very sociable in the appropriate setting. On the battlefield Osvaldo issues his orders with confidence and expects his subordinates to follow them.
The inability to keep things clean is Osvaldo's weakness. His quarters are often in disarray; as is the cockpit of his Mobile Suit, causing many an engineer to have a fit.
Osvaldo was born to John and Erin Pugliese on April 1st in Howard Beach, Queens; ten years prior to the EC timeline. He was expected to have a "normal" childhood and eventually take over the family photography business when he came of age. But because of the Great War this was not meant to be. The Mass Colony Drop caused a massive flood in Howard Beach and Osvaldo?s parents were swept away by the water. He would have shared the same fate had he not be caught in a tree. Eventually a rescue party found him and he was brought to a refugee camp in upstate New York. His parents were the only family he had and because nobody could claim him, he was sent to an orphanage with the other unclaimed children.

Because of the chaos caused by the governments collapse, supplies for the orphanage were limited and what little it had, were often raided by bandits. During one such raid, the staff of the orphanage refused to give up any supplies. The bandits were infuriated by the show of defiance and slaughtered the staff and burnt down the orphanage with the children still inside. During the chaos Osvaldo and ten other children were able to escape into the woods.

After their escape the children found an abandoned cottage in the woods. Originally they only planed to hide in it until the bandits were gone, but the soon realized they had no where to go. Since Osvaldo was one of the oldest in the group (fifteen at the time) he and the three other older children had to go look for work in the town nearby. The oldest in the group was Simon, who was seventeen; followed by Marko, who was also fifteen, but born in January; and the youngest of the four was James, who was fourteen. They had to make due with the little money the four boys earned while working, but it was enough to get food to feed the group at least twice a day. Around EC 9 a group of New Earth Alliance soldiers searching for a Vulture group?s base stumbled upon the house.

They questioned all of the children living in the house and then pulled Osvaldo and the other older boys aside. The soldiers told them that the New Earth Alliance needed more recruits and they would make accommodations for the younger children to get schooling if the four eldest of them signed up for at least four years. Wanting to give the youngest of the group a chance to gain a formal education they agreed. Osvaldo Simon, Marko and James were soon in the newly established New Earth Alliance training facility. They went through basic training for two months and were hastily assigned to an infantry unit that was tasked with hunting down Vulture Groups. At the time the New Earth Alliance had very few Mobile Suits so they weren?t trained as pilots.

The four of them looked at this as a chance for revenge against people like the bandits that had destroyed the orphanage. During one engagement with a Vulture Group James was killed and Marko was badly wounded in his right leg, it later had to be amputated. Osvaldo was saddened by James' death, but he held it together. While Simon was infuriated by the events of the battle and took it upon himself to execute several prisoners from the Vulture Group they had been fighting. He was dishonorably discharged from service even though the New Earth Alliance was low on man power. They felt he would be an unstable factor in a group that was still trying to gain its footing. Simon?s whereabouts are unknown after his discharge.

Now the only one left, Osvaldo finished his four years of service in EC 12 and chose to re-up with the New Earth Alliance. Because of the promise he showed as an NCO during his first tour, he was selected to go to officer candidate school and receive the proper training to become an officer. It was during his training as an officer that he was trained as a Mobile Suit pilot as well. The New Earth Alliance had gained more Mobile Suits during their battles with the Vulture Groups and now needed to train pilots for them. Osvaldo still keeps in contact with Marko and the rest of the children from the group he lived with (Marko is now their guardian), though many of them are in their later teens now and may eventually join the New Earth Alliance as well.