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Name: Erin Skylar
Nickname: Sky
Gender: Female
Nationality: English
Status: MS Pilot
Mobile Suit: RX-78-2 Gundam
Organization: New Earth Alliance [Earth]
Rank: First Sergeant
Age: 33
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Erin is very youthful looking for her age, not looking more then her mid twenties. She stands 5'7 with a fairly muscular build from years of military training. On duty she wears a unique pink uniform tunic and knee length skirt. She also has standard and dress uniforms for other occasions. Off duty she typically wears a tank top, vest, and a skirt of jeans depending on the situation. She keeps her hair cut short, above her shoulders, and keeps it tied into a ponytail most of the time.
Training/Special Abilities:
Advanced ground MS combat and basic space combat. Small and large unit tactics and leadership. She also is trained in small arms combat, with some heavy weapons experience, mostly anti-tank.
Erin is extremely friendly and outgoing, and always has a smile, even when in the midst of combat. She loves to joke, flirt, and have a good time, often joking and teasing her comrades in combat. She has a unique way of pushing younger pilots forward with her affectionate teasing. During her off hours she can usually be found at a bar or other social gathering, getting drunk and carrying on with anyone who's wants the company. She does have her standards though, and won't take just anyone home, much to the disappointment of men, and even some women.
Erin is very easily distracted, attacking whoever fired on her, losing sight of her objectives or target in the process. Even though she's trained for large scale leadership, she has trouble exercising her training, and places too much trust in her subordinates to make the right decisions in her lack of coordination.
Erin was born to a high class family in London. Her family sent her to the best schools available and they expected her to become a person of class and dignity. She didn't take to her family teachings however, and often snuck away to parties or other things growing up. She took every opportunity to disobey her parents, and when the war broke out she saw the perfect opportunity to get away from them. Despite all her parents objections, she joined the military as a mobile suit pilot.

It was a decision she almost came to regret as the war dragged on, but as the war intensified she found her place and relaxed. Her upbeat attitude earned her the nickname Sky. In the early days of the war she served with the space force, but was quickly assigned to the ground war as loses mounted. She lost her parents during the colony drops, and became trapped on Earth after the war.

During the post war period she operated as a freelance pilot with her old GM, and was counted as one of the few skilled pilots remaining. She sided with the formation of the Alliance and underwent some retraining to become a leader. She fought in many battles as the Alliance expanded its territory, her upbeat attitude gaining her much popularity among younger troops.

She still serves with the Alliance military because its all she's really know since the war, and she takes great responsibility for those above and below her.