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Name: Santos Andripolous
Codename: Cerberus
Gender: Male
Nationality: Greek
Status: Officer
Mobile Suit: WMS-03C Maganac Santos Custom
Organization: The Desert Baronies [Earth]
Rank: Pending
Age: 40
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Santos is a formidable man, nearly six foot three inches with a strongly muscled frame from years of fighting for his country. He is of fine olive complexion due to his Greek heritage, with a strong jaw, high cheekbones, and a straight nose. There is a long scar running from his right temple down along his jaw to his chin. His blue eyes betray a bit of mixed ancestry, but they give his stern stare that much added weight. His hair spikes up and away from his face so it doesn't interfere with piloting. Usually he can be seen wearing a custom tailored tan-colored uniform or a flight suit.
Training/Special Abilities:
Santos has been in and around the battlefield his entire life. Even as a kid he helped transport supplies to and from the guerilla freedom fighters' foreward outposts. He has extensive training in small arms, anti-tank weaponry, guerilla tactics, driving, hand-to-hand combat, sniping, mobile suit piloting and field repair. He began leading his own Mobile Suit teams in stolen old Zeon Zakus when he was 25 and his accumulated kill total is...quite high after over fifteen years in the cockpit. Of note, he has the uncanny ability to see the big picture in a fight rather than get tunnel-vision on his current enemy the way many soldiers do. Every action he takes is geared towards winning the battle as a whole rather than merely defeating his enemy.
The consummate soldier, Santos’s life revolves around the military and the men he commands. Being a soldier is all he’s ever known, so outside of it he doesn’t have much. His only outside interest is playing the piano, which he rarely is able to find what with guerilla operations and such. He’s a magnetic, charismatic leader and his men love him because they can sense that he puts their survival first when making decisions. He’s got a weird sense of humor and likes to make people uncomfortable.
Sometimes he’ll put the survival of his men over what his superiors would consider more important…like ultimate victory. On the flipside of that, if his men are getting massacred he’s likely to do something stupid like putting himself in the line of fire so they can retreat.
Santos was born on the Mediterranean coast and grew up everywhere from Egypt to India. He killed his first man when he was just seven years old, when a battle spilled into the village he was hiding in he picked up a fallen comrade’s pistol and shot an enemy soldier. The battle was mostly over by then, and the guerillas in the village were more than a match for the stragglers, but they left him with a scar upon his right temple running down to his chin. It’s faded somewhat with age, but still recognizable.

He has warred with the Federation, with the Zeons, and even with other member countries and tribes of the current Desert Baronies. He has shot at and been shot at by men and women from all walks of life, heroes, villains, ESPers, Earthnoids and Spacenoids. He remembers every…single…one.

Currently, Santos commands a small platoon in the desert regions after being recruited into the new Desert Baronies by an old mentor of his who is now high up in the new government system. He has a core group of pilots he keeps with him at all times and those newcomers he sees fit to let join his squads come to admire him very quickly. He plays the piano when he can and likes to read, but the huge majority of his life is spent in the cockpit of a mobile suit. If he’s not the best pilot in the Desert Baronies, he’s certainly in the running.