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Name: Yasou Toshi
Nickname: Asp
Gender: Male
Nationality: American-Japanese
Status: Soldier
Mobile Suit: RMS-006 Jenice
Organization: Jovian Alliance
Rank: Corporal
Age: 21
Hair Color: Black with a blueish tint to it
Eye Color: Brown
Yasou will always be found wearing his grey trench coat, even if it scorching hot out. He hardly ever takes it off. He has numerous scars on his chest but these are rarely exposed.
Training/Special Abilities:
Yasou was raised to be a soldier all of his life. His father was a soldier, his father before him and so forth for 50 generations. Since he was first able to walk, he begun his training in both Kung-Fu (Snake Style) and Kendo. His father and uncle taught him the ways of the warrior and honor of the old code of Bushido. At the age of 12, he enrolled in the Cadets and learned how to pilot Mobile Suits from his teachers, who just happened to be his father and uncle. Unlike most of the other students who preferred that thier Mobile Suits have projectile weapons, Yasou always preferred using the blade or just going good old fisticuffs.
Yasou disdains the use of fire arms finding them crude and not as elogant or even as personal as a sword, and he will try to avoid using one. He is not an overly friendly guy yet he is not cold hearted either, however he never seems to smile.
His only weakness would have to be that he never uses guns.
Having been brought up to be a soldier, it was no suprise to anyone when he joined the Jovian Alliance army. Enlisting in the army was the proudest day of his life as all the years of training and hard work finally came together. His first day of bootcamp was a breeze for him, his training as a young child a lot harsher having always been pushed to reach his fullest potential. All of his years began to pay off as he became squad leader with ease, all the other soldiers secretly becoming jealous of him yet respecting him at the same time. Once finished his training he set out to fullfill his and his family's dream to become a great warrior.