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Name: Jack Maclane
Nickname: Brimstone
Gender: Male
Nationality: Colinial Irish
Status: Officer
Mobile Suit: RMS-099 Rick Dias
Organization: Jovian Alliance
Rank: Captain
Age: 31
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Grey
Stands 6'1" with a medium build, has the old Irish Flag tattooed on his upper right arm.
Training/Special Abilities:
MS Piloting, marksmanship, fencing, Zero G training, Krav Maga and jury rigging(not actual repairing). Also has been known to have an extremly high tolerance to drugs (Especially alcohol)
A blunt Realist, Jack is rarely seen without some sort of weapon, although it's always appropriate to the occasion.
Jacks two major weaknesses are his Ego and Women. he never lets an insult or challenge go unanswered. And will go out of his way to protect women.
Jack was raised on a cargo ship constantly between ports. His father was a very history-minded man and made sure his son new the history of Ireland, and everything that went with it. By the age of 16, Jack could out-drink most older men and could outfight his father, be it with fists, or blades. Being a bit of a history buff, Jack went on to learn about other ancient cultures, primarily those of the east and middle-east. Then disaster struck. His father's ship was destroyed one night while Jack was out drinking. Jack didn't care that this was the begining of the fall of the Federation. He only knew that the only famliy he had ever known had been killed in a war he had nothing to do with. Jack eventually joined the Alliance seeking to destroy those who took his father from him.