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Name: Gene Daco
Alias/Nickname/Codename: N/A
Gender: Male
Nationality: Lunarian (American decent)
Status: MS Pilot
Mobile Suit: RGM-79SP GM Sniper II
Organization: Old Federation [Space]
Rank: Petty Officer 2nd Class
Age: 20
Hair Color: Grey
Eye Color: Light Blue
5'11", Hair tied in a short pony Tail, Has a tattoo on his right upper arm of a cross with a phoenix behind it. Usually wears a black Tank top and his standard issue pants and boots.
Training/Special Abilities:
Zero G MS piloting, Basic military Training, and Guerilla Tactics.
Outgoing and laid back, Gene usually tries to get along with everyone, but when he needs to be he can be serious and focused when he needs to be.
He is impetuous, and will act without thinking at times. Also he has a bad temper if pushed too far, he can take a lot but if he reaches his limit he will try and attack the offender.
Gene is an orphan of war, his family having been seemingly killed trying to escape one of the Lunar colonies that were attacked. He managed to survive having been separated in the escape, but was unable to remeber his own name do to trauma. He was then taken to an orphanage where he was given the name Gene Daco, but left at the age of 16 to join military service, first as a foot soldier where he learned guerilla tactics, but then decided to move to MS piloting. He trained intensively for the first 2 years but quickly realized his hatred wasn't going to end any wars, just propagate them.

He saw other driven by hatred and resentment, saw thier obsession for revenge and knew they were just like those that they sought revenge aginst. Though he continued to train hard he had a new goal, to fight for peace. Genee has never given up the hope of finding his family. He has never been sure what happened to them and has never really given up hope. He figures that he will be able to find information on them while is out on his mission. All he really wants is closure, and to find his true name. He doesn't seem to remeber their names, but their faces burn brightly in his mind.