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Official Squad

Welcome to the home of the *R*enegades...feel free to look around


6-9 - Sorry for the non-updated web site. We are currently building a new one. So until its complete we will be running through our forums. Hope to have the new site up soon.
5-3 - I have decided to move the council; meeting times. Instead of meeting once a month, we will now meet twice, one in the middle and one at the end. This months first council meeting will be on the 16th. All council members try being there.

5-3 - I have signed us up for some tourney's at NvA, and are currently awaiting to hear the final say so in joining the US League there too. I'll update you when I find out more.

5-3 - I'm sad to say that *R* lost one of it's members, SgMaj. Flesh has decided to quit the squad because of work and school. He hopes to be coming back in the summer. But with that lose, *R* has gained some members. Welcome Pvt. Nemesis and Pvt.Mosth8ed. I feel like you 2 are a good addition to the squad and will be useful in the future.

5-3 - Sorry for the lack of updates. Been away from the computer awhile, but now everything is back and running. We've had a lot of changes Lost some members, gained some members, Ect. Keep checking back for more updates.

4-28 - *R* is getting bigger! Just got some new recruits this week. I'll be putting them in the roster soon.

4-28 - Well the council meeting is over and we are going to have some changes in the squad. For example some rules are going to change, ranks are going to change, and some other stuff that I'm not going to say on here. I'll be informing all members of the changes.

4-23 - Council meeting is this Friday at 11:30 pm. All council members need to be present.

4-23 - Well...*R* is now just a DF-BHD squad. The DF2 Division has shut down.

4-22 - The council will be having there first meeting this Friday at 12:00pm Est. For more info. go to the Council page.

4-22 - The forums have been updated. Be sure to have a look at it.

4-21 - I need to know what time most of you are available to practice. We need to get together and set up our "style" of owning people. That will also be when I put you into your units. I'll tell you more about this when we practice. Either Email me or post it in our forum ASAP. 

4-21 - Novalogic has a new update out. Make sure that all *R* members have this. If you don't update then you wont be able to play in the *R* servers. So get update.

4-21 - Ok this is the final straw for DF2. If I don't hear from anyone by Wednesday it's shutting down. I will not tolerate inactiveness!

4-19 - I have updated the web page and I need all members to go to the forums and read the posts I have made. It's important that you do this.
4-18 - I'd like to welcome Slodrag, Moses, and Dragoon_Elite to *R*. I hope to win some matches with their help. Looking forward to a good squad with the guys I got so far. I don't think I could of picked any better players than the ones I did.
4-16 - Well I'm finally happy to say that *R* is starting to grow. I would like to welcome the newest members to our squad, Caus4Chaos, Chazy, Flesh, and Darksta. There really good players and I look forward to win some matches and tourney's with them. If you'd like to see them in action, we usually have a server up around 7 - 11 pm Est. Although we have gotten members *R* still needs you. If your interested fill out the join form.
4-7 - OK!...*R* is now in Delta Force Black Hawk Down FV. But sad to say I am one of the ones with the "5 Sec" problem. So until Nova gets a update for this there will not be any *R* servers up in the updated version, only in non-updated. We are having tryouts for BHD now. 
3-29 - Sad to say, but *R* will no longer be active in DF1 and DF-TFD. Just wasn't that active and never really started. So now...*R* is just in DF2 and BHD.

3-29 - OK!...after many hours and 16 Dr. Peppers I finally got the web site working again. I apologize for delay of information and resources.

3-13 - Well to my surprise I have the site finished minus 1 or 2 pages. We are now ready to start growing. If you'd like to join *R* fill out the form. high ranked position is available.

3-12 - I'm proud to say I have found a leader! Pancakes *R* is heading up the DF2 Division. Go to the DF2 section to find out more.

3-8 - I have started to work on some maps. Hopefully I'll be hosting them soon. I will also put some of them on the site for download.


..:: Df-way point ::..
..:: Nova-arena ::..
..:: nova-center ::..
:: DFBHD.DK ::
..:: Df-barracks ::..
..:: DF-HQ ::..


..:: df bhd ::..



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