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Elf a sea of emotions. They swirl around me, confusing me wherever I me inspiration to move on, yet at the same time forcing me to want to quit. My thoughts overwhelm me and I'm left scared and alone, wandering around...waiting to be found. the masses of people. They brush past me, gliding me like a river to where they want to go...gliding me to places I've never been and places I never want to see again. Alone once again, though I'm surrounded by company. Scared, lost, unsure...I drift along with them until somebody finds me.

Trembling as I listen to their conversations, I can feel what they're thinking...what they're wanting. This feeling is better suited to Quatre, not me. I'm too scared, too alone...there's nothing I can do besides sit back, lost in their emotions, and wait until I'm found. my dreams and nightmares. They haunt me by night and day, never ceasing, relently pursuing me. I don't know what they want with me...I'm not any help. I can't understand what I feel so I remain silent, alone in my thoughts. Alone with my dreams...all by myself with my nightmares. I can't reach out for help. myself. Trying to live out my day, I can't help withdrawing into myself...keeping in check reality and my dreams. I have to be objective. I have to follow, I can't get lost...but I frequently do, though no one realizes it. I'm lost in a sea of emotions, trying to live with sorrow, hurt, and anger all around me...trying to overcome all this and rise out of the ashes I've burned for myself.

But I'm I wait to be found....

...I'm all alone....


Trowa, ne? Well, maybe Heero, but it's supposed to be Trowa....

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