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Midnight Run

Lady Shinigami

   I love running at midnight.  The dark, night air surrounds me like a cloak and

the cold air blows stiffly through my unruly hair.  My legs pump faster against the

street, almost floating over it.  I can never run like this during the day, I always feel as though I'm being watched.  I hear him running behind me, my koibito.  He always tries to catch me, but he has yet to catch me.  I laugh.  Until he can catch me, he will never have me.  I put on an extra burst of speed, my eyes easily picking up any obstacles in the dark.  I hear him panting behind me, trying to grab my tail.  You'd think that as a Werecat and Gundam pilot he'd be in better shape.  I leap in to a tree and wait a moment.  I hear him cursing, then move in to the tree.  I jump from branch to branch, the thrill of the chase making me high.  I move to the ground, heading deeper in to the woods.  I lay my ears back to catch his words.  I chuckle as he gives my ancestry, all improbable of course.  I continue running, sometimes forgetting he's behind me, just concentrating on the crisp night air as it fills my lungs.  I lose track of time and of my koi, the allure of the night and it's dark music take over my senses.  I stop at the moonlit lake, listening for my koi.  Nothing.  I smile slightly, he apparently gave up.  I walk slowly to the lake's edge, my nose turned up to the night sky as I inhale deeply.  I sigh in content, but the calm night is destroyed as I find myself on my back, pinned by my koibito.


 "Caught you."


I smirk, "Took you long enough."


He smirks back, "Never would have guessed you'd be so elusive."


I laugh, "Can't look easy can I?"


 He chuckles, then leans down and presses a gentle kiss to my lips.  I sigh, pushing my body against him.  He pulls back and looks in to my eyes.

 "Why did you make it so difficult to catch you?"


I sigh, "I figured if you really wanted me, you would try and catch me."


He kisses me again, "You are worth every minute I spent chasing you, Duo."


I smile, then wrap my arms around him as his kisses become more passionate.  I love midnight runs.


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