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Ms. BriZee

It was a beautiful…. no…I always use that. Just an ordinary day for... no ...I don't like the way that sounds. SOMEONE HELP ME THINK OF AN INTRODUCTION!

Quatre: How about, "Once upon a time."

BriZee: Hey, that might work. Thanks Quatre.

Once upon a time…yeah…I like that. Once upon a time there was a really kawaii yaoi couple who went on missions to save the world and the colonies. Some call them 01 and 02, or some say 1x2. I say Heero and Duo. Well, others say that too, but I also say it so that's why it's important. Anyhow, this story focuses on a very special time in the pilot of Wing Zero's life. It is a time every young man goes through, and the Perfect Soldier was no exception. It was a time of frustration, a time of need, a time where he needed his koi the most.

"Where is that braided baka!" Screamed Heero. The usually stoic pilot wasn't acting his usual self. He was very upset that his American lover wasn't there. No, it wasn't a mission to destroy a base, or steal something, or even fly out into the pits of hell to defeat the enemy. This mission was waaayyyy more important to the teen.

"When I find him, I'm going to make him regret it." Said Heero. Well, perhaps I should start from the very beginning. Wait, I don't want to do that. I'll just summarize. O.K., as we all know, Heero and Duo, they are a couple. They love each other very much. However, they hadn't done the nasty nasty in a while. Why? Well, because of all the missions they had no free time. But now, the two were in a safe house all alone, no one else but them. So Duo told Heero that the two should take advantage of the moment *wink*. Now, Heero was planning to take the American up on his proposal. But, he couldn't find him. So what the pilot is going through is simply, horny-ness. Yes, horny-ness. Hell if I care that it's a word or not. He'd been preparing to make this a night the longhaired beauty would never forget. But, the baka was gone. Heero had the entire night planned while Duo went to the store. He would screw the baka silly until...well...he'd figure that out later. However, he was short one sexy ass boyfriend.

"How long does it take to go to the store?" Wondered Heero, pacing in his room. He then heard the sound of laughter. Laughter? Wasn't he the only one there? He left the room and followed the sound. He immediately recognized it as being the guy he was, well, the guy he was horny for. The guy he longed for, the guy he wanted to touch, kiss, un-dress, tickle. The guy he wanted to make scream, moan, shout, pant, and beg.

Heero: We get the point.

Duo: Goodness, are you going to do all that to little old me?

Heero: Is this a lemon or not?

BriZee: Of course it is! I'm totally bored and have a lot of time on my hands. I can squeeze a lemon in here. It says lemon in the warning.

Heero: Then I guess I do get to make you scream, moan, shout, pant, and beg.

Duo: I wouldn't have it any other way.

To finish my thought, wait, that's all the words I can think of for now. Let's continue. The pilot entered the kitchen to see Duo wrapped around a phone cord, chattering away.

"It sucks that the video phone doesn't work Q. I have to use this old fashioned phone to talk to you." Said Duo. Heero couldn't believe it, all that time he used screaming about the boy and he was, he was…

"So, how's Trowa?" Asked Duo. He was gossiping with Quatre. Heero would've fainted, but Perfect Soldiers don't faint. They get pissed! Heero approached Duo, who had his back turned to the other boy. He quickly spun him around to face him, causing him to lose some of the cord wrappings.

"What's up Heero? Quatre's on the phone, wanna talk to him?" Asked Duo.

"No, get off the phone." Said Heero.

"But this is a very important conversation koi, wait a minute." Said Duo. And with that, he turned back around to finish talking. Heero was very upset now. Duo wanted to talk on the phone. Duo wanted to talk to Quatre instead of…you know…

"Really, you guys went out after the mission. That's nice, where did you go?" Asked Duo.

"We went to the movies, but we didn't get to see a lot of it, if you know what I mean." Said Quatre.

"How romantic for you two, little hentai." Said Duo with a smile. Heero only heard from one side of the conversation, but he could tell the boy was talking about his other comrade's relationship. He was going to get the annoying beauty off of the phone one-way or the other. He allowed a wicked smirk to cross his lips. Sneaking behind the unsuspecting boy with deadly silence, the Perfect Soldier confirmed his target. He stood behind the boy, picking up on the conversation. Duo still didn't know he was behind him, well, that is until…

"You're already in a relationship, stay out of their’s." Whispered Heero. This startled the boy as he spun to face the Wing Zero pilot.

"Jeez Heero, give a guy a heart attack." Said Duo.

"What happened?" Asked Quatre. Duo spun so his back could face Heero's.

"Heero is being a baka, that's all." Said Duo, going back to the conversation. He was caught off as he felt a pair of strong arms wrap around his slender waist.

"So I'll be a baka." Whispered Heero, his warm breath tickling the Deathscythe pilot's ear. There was something in his voice, it sounded sexier than usual.

"Heero, can you wait, I'm on the phone." Whispered Duo. His body was then pulled into Heero's.

"Not really, well actually, no I can't wait." Said Heero, slipping his tongue out to trace Duo's ear. Duo held back a moan.

"Duo, you still there?" Asked Quatre.

"Yeah, finish telling me about your date with unibang." Said Duo.

"His name is Trowa, don't tease him." Said Quatre.

"How cute, you're defending him. Did you ever find out what kind of gel he uses?" Asked Duo. Quatre giggled at that, but then frowned, although Duo couldn't see it.

"Don't talk about him, I don't talk about Heero." Said Quatre, trying to defend his koi. Duo sighed after he said that, he shouldn't be thinking about him. Especially since the boy was attacking his neck with butterfly kisses.

"You don't have to, we all know he's a…a…" Started Duo. He couldn't get his words out as ghostly fingers crept under the cord and into his shirt. He felt each button being un-buttoned slowly.

"A what Duo?" Asked Quatre.

"Baka." Whispered Duo, almost a little too passionately.

"So how are you two doing?" Asked Quatre. Damn him, why couldn't they avoid Heero for a minute.

"Fine I guess…ah…" Said Duo. He tried to hold back the moan, but it was hard to do when your boyfriend decides he wants to seduce you. And Heero was doing just that, pinching poor little Duo's nipples until they got hard.

"Are you feeling O.K. Duo?" Asked Quatre.

"Me? Sure, I'm just peachy Q-man, why wouldn't I be?" Asked Duo. His voice sounded a little too shaky. Heero smirked as he spun the boy around, and around, and around until he was free of the cords. Now, Duo faced Heero with an un-buttoned shirt and obviously hard nipples.

"I don't know, you sounded kind-of weird for a second. Are you coming down with something?" Asked Quatre.

"N…no, I'm feeling just… ah…fine." Said Duo, feeling Heero's mouth cover a nipple, licking around it and biting it gently.

"That's good, so, why do you think Heero's a baka?" Asked Quatre.

"Because he is." Responded Duo.

"You sound childish Duo. He must be doing something to make you feel that way." Said Quatre. Duo really wasn't paying attention, he was trying to stop Heero's hand from un-zipping his pants.

"Heero, stop it. I'm on the phone." Whispered Duo.

"So what. Get off the phone." Said Heero, nibbling Duo's ear.

"That's rude, I'll be off in a minute." Whispered Duo.

"No, you'll be off now, or I'll just take you while you're on the phone." Said Heero.

"You wouldn't?" Questioned Duo. That's when his zipper was zipped down.

"Try me." Said Heero.

"I call your bluff." Said Duo, turning his back on Heero. That sparked Heero's interest. The boy was good, oh he was real good. But Heero was better. He gave him one final spin and gave him a smile so seductive, it could make anyone get turned on.

"Fine then, we'll play it your way." Said Heero, and with that, the attack began. Duo was stunned when he felt his pants sink to the floor, leaving him only in boxers. He wouldn't, would he? That question was answered when Heero got down on his knees, his eyes shining with mischief and passion. He kissed a trail to the inside of the boy's thigh, pulling the boxers with his teeth. Duo allowed a moan to escape his parted lips.

"Duo?" Questioned Quatre. Dammit, he was still on the phone. Part of him wanted to hang up and submit to Heero, but he was too proud for that.

"I'm still here, just daydreaming I guess. So, when are we going to see you guys again?" Asked Duo.

"Well, we still have one more mission to do, it just got sent today. And blah blah blah……" Quatre was tuned out when the boxers disappeared. Duo could handle this. He was a Gundam pilot, trained to kill, he could take on a horny boyfriend anytime.

"I want you Duo. I want you to cum so hard and so fast that it'll blow your mind away. And then, I'm going to taste that lovely fluid inside you, making you scream louder than you have before." Said Heero seductively. O.K. Maybe he couldn't take a horny Heero. Especially one that talked like that. He held onto the counter, trying to brace himself. He would prove the boy wrong. He could do it. He wouldn't submit, he wouldn't submit, he wouldn't sub……

"Ahhh!" ……mit.

"What's up Duo?" Asked Quatre. Go away, go away, GO AWAY, GO AWAY!

"A spider, it scared…me a little." Said Duo, looking down at Heero, who was busy attending to Duo in-between his thighs.

"I will not look down. I will be strong and I will prove him wrong." Whispered Duo. Heero smirked, it wouldn't be long now. He went faster and faster on purpose, seeing the boy trying to keep quiet. He would fix that. His fingers went around to his back, tracing patterns on it. It slowly moved down to that creamy ass of his, rubbing it and pushing him closer to his greedy mouth. Using his neck and shoulder to hold the phone, Duo hands began to play in Heero's hair.

"Getting into it koi? I just started." Said Heero, then went back at it. Duo's body was trembling from pleasure, and the fact that he was trying not to make any noise. He then felt something poke him from behind. Oh no, please not that? Not now. This wasn't fair. Heero knew his weaknesses, and doing both things at the same time was the major one. His breath became heavier and faster as that long finger went inside and out, going deeper and deeper until…

"Ahh Heero." Moaned Duo.

"Are you two doing something. Perhaps I can call back." Said Quatre. YES! YES CALL BACK PLEASE! In about, a day or two or three. But, pride won over.

"No, we're n…ot..doing any….thing import…ant. Like I said….he's a ba…KAA!" That didn't come out right, but another finger joined the game and his mouth was moving so fast it was amazing. After that, three fingers pushed that magic button inside of him. He was so close to his release, so close he could taste it. He was moaning now and he knew it. Pride had left the battle a long time ago. Quatre smiled over the phone, it didn't take Heero long at all. He remembered when Duo called him while Trowa was….entertaining him. Quatre didn't last as long as Duo, but payback is a bitch and revenge is sweet. He still had to rub it in.

"Duo, you don't sound too hot. Maybe you should call a doctor. I could connect you to my doctor if you want. He'll come out there and everything." Said Quatre with a smile. No, he didn't need a doctor. He needed a soft place to land because he was going to fall out. Heero stopped for a second to examine his work. Perfect, now, to add the icing to the cake.

"I want you to cum for me. NOW Duo." Said Heero, taking him in again. That command and mouth and the three fingers did the trick as Duo dropped the phone and screamed Heero's name, not caring if anyone heard him. And true to his word, Heero did taste the pilot. And Duo did land in a soft place, Heero's arms. His once opened shirt was taken off and Heero rubbed a hand down his chest. He then kissed his American lover, letting Duo taste himself. He moved to his ear and whispered…

"I'm not finished yet." He picked up the pilot and sat him on the kitchen table, looking at him with hungry cobalt eyes. He then handed him the phone.

"You sure you don't wanna hang up?" Asked Heero.

"I….I….." Duo couldn't make a straight sentence.

"Fine, it's your call koi." Said Heero. He then laid the boy on the table, and pulled off his now too tight clothes. Another wicked thought occurred to him. The phone cord was awfully long, so he could…..

"Heero, what are you…" But Duo was cut off as he felt the cord wrap around his wrist. The phone somehow served as a tie to the cord, keeping Duo's hands behind his head. And also, it was right by his ear to talk. He couldn't control his breathing, and he knew Quatre could hear everything. Duo's eyes widened when he saw a familiar looking tube in Heero's hand.

"Tell me you want this." Said Heero.

"I….I want…." Started Duo.

"You want what?" Asked Quatre. No! The phone. The damn phone was getting in the way.

"I'll….I'll call you back Quatre." Said Duo. And before the Arabian pilot could responded, Duo' pushed the hang-up button on the phone.

"I always win koi." Whispered Heero, as he positioned himself above Duo.

"That, was cruel, and evil, and the kinkiest thing we've done." Panted Duo.

"And, like I said, it's not over yet." Said Heero, preparing to penetrate his lover.

"Then take me koi, don't tell me you're tired already." Taunted Duo. Heero responded by penetrating the boy, causing Duo to tense up at the feeling.

"I never get tired of you." Said Heero, pushing deeper inside of Duo." Duo moaned in delight as he felt Heero go deeper, touching that spot inside of him.

"Ah Heero." Moaned Duo.

"This is what happens when you take so long on the damn phone." Said Heero.

"Well in that case, I think I'll talk on the phone more often." Said Duo, another moan escaping his lips after Heero slammed into him, increasing his pace. Heero captured a nipple in his mouth, sucking on it while his fingers raced around the neglected one. His victim was busy calling out his name and panting. His hands bound, Duo was helpless in the situation. He still surprised Heero when his legs wrapped around the boy's waist, pushing him in more.

"Duo, you're driving me crazy." Cried Heero. He then wrapped a hand around Duo, stroking him in sync with his current pace.

"Oh god….Heero. I'm gonna…." Cried Duo. He couldn't move. His world had stopped as he entered a new world full of passion, full of love. He was in Heero's world.

"Do it Duo. Don't hold back. I want to hear you scream. And I won't stop until you do." Said Heero, increasing his pace again. This was definitely too much for the young boy.

"HEERO!" He screamed his name at the top of his lungs, his release spilling on Heero's hand. Heero came shortly after, that scream sent him over the edge. He un-tied the phone cord before crashing on top of Duo. Duo held him in his arms, rubbing his sweating back. Heero moved the sweat-slicked bangs from his lover's eyes, loving the loving and hazy look they held.

"I love you Heero." Whispered Duo.

"Me too you Duo. Ai shiteru." Said Heero, kissing those lips of his.

"All this because I wouldn't get off the phone?" Questioned Duo.

"I was waiting for this time baka. The phone was a diversion from my mission." Said Heero.

"Well, did you accomplish your mission?" Asked Duo. Heero responded with a kiss.

"I'm not sure. Maybe I should try the mission again to make sure it was done correctly." Said Heero. He sat up and lifted his angel from the table. Duo giggled as he was carried out of the kitchen.

"This mission has a new location. How about a soft bed." Said Duo. Heero smirked.

"I got a better one. A nice hot tub." Said Heero.

"Nice. I could use a bath. I feel so dirty koi. Clean me up." Said Duo, licking the tip of Heero's nose. Heero smirked again and grabbed some shower gel from the cabinet, ran some water, and waited to clean his lover up.

The End

BriZee: Damn! That was steamy!

Duo: mmmm…….I liked that story.

Heero: hn, it figures you would.

Duo: Hey! I was the innocent party.

Heero: It was your fault. If you weren't so cute it wouldn't have happened.

Duo: Sorry, I'm sorry I'm not ugly.

Heero: That's fine, I'll punish you for your cuteness. Come here.

Duo: Oh no, you got that look.

Heero: Come here otherwise she'll have to add another part to the fic.

Duo: Well BriZee, my lover calls. Ja ne!

BriZee: It's understandable. Don't hurt him too much.

Quatre: Hey! What about Trowa and me?

Trowa: It does say 3x4, can we get some action?

BriZee: Oh yeah……..

"Did you get your revenge?" Asked Trowa. Quatre smiled.

"Yes I did." He replied, kissing his lover.

"Then it's time to celebrate." Said Trowa, pulling his lover towards the bedroom. Just then, the phone rang.

"Meet me in there, I'll be right there." Said Quatre. Trowa left. He then answered his cordless phone while walking towards his bedroom.

"HEY Q-MAN!" Screamed a voice.

"Duo?" Asked Quatre.

"Yeah, I told you I was calling you back." Said Duo.

"Yeah you did." But at the wrong time. Quatre headed to his bedroom to see the lights dimmed down and his koi in the bed, smiling at him.

"So, how's Trowa doing?" Asked Duo. Quatre watched as Trowa began to take off his clothes slowly, looking at Quatre.

"He's……fine." Said Quatre, his eyes glued to Trowa.

"That's good. I really miss you guys. I can't wait until we get to meet up again. I was thinking of some places we can go and stuff." Rambled Duo. Quatre gulped when he saw his lover give him that look. That, "Bring your cute ass over here so I can ravish you," look.

"What's up Q? You're breathing kind-of differently." Said Duo. Trowa pulled the boy into the bed, straddling his hips.

"Uh….Duo….." Started Quatre, but all thought was cut off when those hands got to work on his shirt buttons.

"And there's this really cool place I heard about. It's like an amusement park with a whole bunch of rides and games." Continued the boy.

"That's nice Duo but……" Started Quatre.

"And there's this really cool place to eat next door to it. They have all the really good food like pizza, burgers, fries, ice cream. Their ice cream is the best. Chocolate with whipped cream or strawberries…." Said Duo. Shit! Whipped cream was not what he needed to hear about right now.

"Whipped cream?" Questioned Quatre.

"Sounds good, I got some right here. I could just eat you all up." Said Trowa, biting his ear. Quatre moaned in pure pleasure.

"Yo Q, I know ice cream is good, but is it that good?" Questioned Duo.

"Huh…uh…." But his brain shut down when he was stripped of his clothes and the mentioned whipped cream was sprayed on his chest, conveniently covering the naughty parts :) It was the last straw when that tongue began to lick it away.

"Duo….please…ah….call back later." Moaned Quatre.

"Huh? Oh, O.K. I guess we can talk about whipped cream later. But I still can't wait to see you guys. You sure you don't want to talk for a little while longer. I thought of another place we could go." Said Duo happily.

"For the love of Allah, NO DUO!" Screamed Quatre.

"Fine. Bye-bye. Au revoir. Ja ne. Sayonara. See ya later. ….." Said Duo.

"Yes, yes, good-bye." Said Quatre. The two hung up and Duo snickered.

"Revenge truly is sweet." He laughed. He then saw Heero walk into the living room.

"And now it's your turn Mr. Perfect Soldier." Said Duo evilly, chasing after his koi to get his sweet revenge.

The End (for real)

BriZee: The end! I finished it! Yes! GO ME!

All: Congrats.

BriZee: Thank you much. Now, it's time to do another one.

All: Another one?

BriZee: Yes of course. A fanfic writer's job is never finished. It's time to write more so I can torture…er….love and nurture you guys

All: Help us please……

BriZee: I hope you all liked this one. Now, to do more! *puts up victory pose*

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