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You are guilty as charged and  have the right to a Attorney. You have the right to remain silence and anything you say will and can be used against you in a court of law.


Subject: Atrocities in Guyana

 Dear Mr. Ramphal,

 The world today seem to be expressing extreme love and respect to you. In fact the Indian Government just recently honored you Sir.

I imagine Guyanese the world over should all be proud of what you have achieved and the honor being bestowed upon you, however I personally feel ashamed that you have been so honored.

Mr. Ramphal, the disdain I feel for you is because of the actions, the activities you participated in during the reign of terrorism under a heinous dictatorship that sought to demographically destroy anything "Indian", It is laughable that the Indian government of today honors you Sir when as a senior member of that government it was you who rewrite the constitution to guarantee Mr. Burnham Presidency for life; it was you Sir, who amended laws that incarcerated many Indians; it was you Sir who aided by legislation, the atrocious robbery conducted against Indians of their properties.

Sir, as one of the senior most member of that dictatorship, you sat idly by (maybe you participated to a certain degree for personal enjoyment) as the daughters of the Indian people were raped to satisfy the lust of your greedy and lecherous leader. 

Sir, the honor lauded on you by the Government of India should be returned because you allowed Indians to be destroyed by Burnham and associates. Of course I do not expect you to take the podium and acknowledge any of this because after all, you are guilty as charged.

Ram Singh










































































































































































































We cannot forget that Mr Ramphal served in two Ministries in the Burnham Cabinet - as Attorney General and as Foreign Affairs Minister. As such, he was part of the rigging process in our country, which entrapped and held us frozen without our rights for 28 years.

In fact, Mr Ramphal, if I am correct, was Attorney General when these iniquitous laws were drafted to ensure the first rigging of the election in 1968.

Samuel Singh - Mirror on Line



 Crook of the India Diaspora - Sir Shridath Surendranauth Ramphal