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Archived Art!

This is the area of my webpage for all my older art (and plus it gives me more web space on my main page). Any artwork that goes missing on the main page will probably end up here, in which some cases I might pull it off completely. But in any case, there won't be anything new here.

Sketch of Cloud.  I'm not too pleased with this pic...
Cloud sketch
I tried Fox, and I found it to be of mediocre quality.  I can do better.
Fox sketch
It's only Link's head, but I'd say it's pretty good for his head, heh.
Link sketch
This is an older pic I did when I was on the field trip to D.C.  It's okay.
Anthro Cat Warrior
Also a little older.  The armor on this guy took a while.
Warrior Knight
I did this while visiting in Maryland.  I was practicing my skills from a manga how-to book.
Wandering Hero
Another one from Maryland.  It's elfish...and the armor also took a while.
Elf Knight
Maryland again.  Elfish as well.
Elf Vagabond
Another Tetsuya pic, this one is more like a Gundam Chara Info sheet.  And it's crooked.  Do I care?  No.
Tetsuya Sheet


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