Pray to Shinigami

Warnings: Lemon fest!!! Yaoi
Pairings: it’s a surprise!
Feedback: craved and greatly appreciated
A/N: this was inspired by the song ‘prayer’ by disturbed. Ain’t I disturbed too?!?!? Lol P.S. I know I’m supposed to be working on Lightening the Shadows but this just wouldn’t leave me alone!!


~blah~ = lyrics

Pray to Shinigami

~Another dream that will never come true
Just to compliment your sorrow ~

Chocolate locks plastered to sweat covered skin. Sweet full lips opened in a gasp of pure sensual yearning, and a loud clear sound shattered the silence as Heero Yuy wailed in pain-filled ecstasy. Strong arms corded and strained as he pulled fruitlessly at the smooth silken bonds encasing his skin at seemingly random intervals.

Soft dark laughter rumbled from somewhere next to the constrained boy. “Now, now my little Heero.” The quiet voice whispered. “That’s not going to help you.” A cool hand ghosted over his feverish skin and Heero cried out again in agonized pleasure.

~Another life that I've taken from you
A gift to add on to your pain and suffering ~


The other seemed to consider his victim for a moment. “I don’t think that was very convincing, pet. Make me believe you.” The boy commanded.

Heero writhed against his bonds causing sweat to bead across his dark skin. The other boy leaned down and slid his rough tongue over the droplets. Heero nearly screamed at this sensual delight and started to beg. “Please! Dear god, touch me! I need you to touch me!”

~Another truth you can never believe
Has crippled you completely~

A single finger slid down his arm making the boy whimper. Again that wicked laughter sounded. “Not enough, pet? I did as you asked.”

Heero growled. “Touch me more, fuck me, fill me. Show me I’m yours!”

Glowing eyes met lust-darkened cobalt. “As you wish, pet.” Without any further warning he pounced.

~All the cries you're beginning to hear
Trapped in your mind, and the sound is deafening ~

Heero cried out, rising to meet each fleeting caress. His body arched in a tight bow when soft lips grazed over him. His lover purred, licking and nipping his way down Heero’s taut body to his straining arousal. The boy screamed when he was enveloped in tight wet heat.

The boy above him laughed quietly. Each breathless sound he wrung from the helpless beauty beneath him filled him with a reckless sense of power. While Heero was distracted, he quickly coated his fingers with oil, and silently positioned them at his pet’s entrance.

Heero loosed a full-bodied scream when, without warning, slick fingers pushed into him. He arched up into them as much as his bound limbs would allow and used his body to plead for more of the wonderful sensations.

His lover raised himself above Heero, positioning himself at his not quite stretched opening. “Are you ready Heero?” He panted.

When the boy nodded, he pushed himself home.

~Let me enlighten you
This is the way I pray ~


Duo groaned at the perfect feeling of Heero’s body, clenching and unclenching around his engorged length. He paused for a moment to allow himself to feel the pleasure fully before he stared to move.

Pulling out until just the tip of his erection was buried inside his love, he flexed his hips, burying himself again. When Heero lifted to meet his harsh thrust, Duo couldn’t stop the small reflexive jerk of his body. He moaned something that sounded suspiciously like Heero’s name and started to fuck the boy under him with abandon.

~Living just isn't hard enough
Burn me alive, inside ~

Each twitch of the cock inside him brought a new sound to the Japanese boy’s lips. His skin felt like it was burning from the inside out, and he would have climaxed long before that if it hadn’t been for the ring nestled against the base of his cock. As it was, precum oozed down his thickly veined erection and the purpling proof of his need glistened, coating the skin of his stomach with the sticky substance. Flashes of light flickered behind his eyes and Heero thought that he might pass out before this was over.

Duo’s voice was rough with passion when he spoke. “Are you ready, lover?”

“Yes!” Heero screamed wildly.

~Living my life's not hard enough
Take everything away~

Duo reached down and released the band that constrained Heero’s seed. The boy’s head arched back in a silent scream and came hard, sending pearly strands to coat his and Duo’s chest. He fell back onto the bed, breathing slowing and the sweat drying on his body gradually cooling his skin.

Duo snarled and pushed deep, climaxing when the muscles caressing his straining cock clenched like bands of steel around him. It was heaven. It was hell. But it was all Heero. And he growled the boy’s name, clutching him close.

Shakily he pushed his matted bangs out of his eyes and looked down at his unconscious lover. He smiled gently and withdrew, cuddling the limp body to his. Violet eyes drifted closed and he finally surrendered to sleep.

~Another nightmare about to come true
Will manifest tomorrow ~



Duo looked up from the book he was studding intently. “How long?”

“A week. Now get going, Maxwell.”

Duo sneered at Wufei and snapped his book closed. Catching Heero’s frightened expression from the corner of his eye; he swiftly changed his route and passed closely by the other boy. A swift reassuring brush of fingers over Heero’s skin, and Duo was gone.

Heero’s eyes drifted closed. **He’ll come back to me. He has to.**

~Another love that I've taken from you
Lost in time, on the edge of suffering ~

Long fingers flew over the keyboard. **Where is he?? Damn it, it’s been two weeks! You have to come back to me Duo. Ai shiteru.**

Duo ran down the hall of the OZ base. Ten soldiers gave chase and the braided boy turned to fire into the mass. **I’m coming Hee-chan. I’m coming,**

Quickly ducking behind a convenient support pillar, Duo took perfect aim and several shots rang out. Men dropped like flies. A manic grin drifted over angelic features and the boy whispered, “Shinigami says…die.”

~Another taste of the evil I breed
Will level you completely ~

Amethyst jewels glimmered in the darkness of the room. Cold steel seemed to press in on the small boy, yet he somehow managed to retain that mad grin. A sharp dagger and lock pick appeared from seemingly nowhere. With a quiet click, the door opened and the unknowing guard outside dropped to the ground.

Duo crept to the control room of the base. Carefully he planted the virus and wiped the systems. Arming the bombs that he had planted, he ran swiftly to the place where he had left Deathscythe. He powered up the thrusters and left the base burning behind him. **I’m coming, beloved. Wait for me.**

~Bring to life everything that you fear
Live in the dark, and the world is threatening ~

“He’s been captured.”

Quatre’s gentle voice shattered the thin veneer of Heero’s calm. The set expression on the pilot’s face crumbled. Tears slid in silver rivers down his reddening cheeks.

**Duo…** Heero choked on a silent sob. **Don’t leave me, Duo. Please, please come back to me.** Still crying, he drifted off to sleep.

~Let me enlighten you
This is the way I pray ~

Fingers and lips caressed his skin. A slim hard body moving in and around his. Heero clawed at Duo’s back, begging the boy who had mastered his heart and restored his soul for more of him. Deeper. Harder.

“Motto…” the quiet voice, slurred with sleep, broke the darkness. Heero’s body strained upward toward a phantom lover and moonlight glistened on sweat-beaded skin.

In the dream Duo stroked him both inside and out. Love shone in those beautiful eyes, and Heero moaned in his sleep, releasing his seed onto his own stomach and coating the sheets.

Cobalt slitted open to see nothing more than an empty room.

Heero let out an inarticulate cry and slumped down onto the sheets, sobbing aloud this time. Eventually he cried himself back to sleep, body curled around Duo’s pillow.

~Return to me , leave me no one
Turn to me, return to me ~

Duo slipped silently into the room. Wearily he pulled at the tie to his braid while quickly scanning the space. When his gaze landed on Heero it stopped. He quickly processed the flushed cheeks, and agonized expression. Diamonds glistened on midnight lashes. Tears. His Heero was crying.

He pulled his clothes off and threw them to the floor. Sliding into bed, he pulled the pillow away from his little lover and the other boy latched onto him. With one last hiccupping sigh, Heero settled down and drifted into a deep, comfortable sleep.

Duo stayed awake, determined to protect Heero from even his own demons. He was tired, but nothing compared to the burning need to make sure that Heero was safe. He watched his lover until crimson streaks of dawn lightened the dark sky, and he felt the boy next to him begin to stir lightly.

~Cast aside ~

Morning came slowly for Heero. He knew that he really didn’t want to wake up. Strong arms held him gently and he knew that this had to be another dream. Duo wasn’t there. He’d been captured.

When the arms pulled him more firmly into the body next to him, Heero’s eyes opened wide. He looked at the boy next to him with wonder. **He’s back! He came back to me!**

“I will always come back to you, darling.”

Heero’s head jerked up to see Duo’s violet gaze regarding him steadily. He gifted the boy with a stunning smile and settled down into his love’s arms. At that moment, all the fear and doubts were cast aside and Heero was contented to bask in the nearness of the boy that had broken down his walls, the boy who held his very life in his slender hands.

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