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Altron Gundam
(aka Nataku)
Space Upgrade


Pilot: Wufei Chan
Production Site
L5 Colony Cluster/Aboard Lunar Base
OZ Recognisation Number: Gundam 05
First Appearance: Episode 25:Quatre Versus Heero


Model Number



Shenlong - Master O in the L5 Colony Cluster
Altron - Doctor J, Professor G, Doktor S, Instructor S and Master O aboard the Lunar Base owned by OZ

Head Height

16.7 meters

Base Weight

8.2 metric tons

Armour Material

Gundanium Alloy

Ability Levels:

Fighting Level
Weapon Ability
Speed Ability
Power Ability
Armoured Ability

The ability level of Altron Gundam. A Leo is 100 in all five aspects.


Equipment and design features

1. Self-Destruct System: All Mobile Suites possese this. It allows the suit to be destoryed. In the case of the Gundams, it destroys all the major pieces leaving few pieces of any value, but they can still be re-build. Wufei is never forced to use this.


1.Dragon Head: Altron's signature weapons. There are one of these attached to the back of each arm, unlike on Shenlong. When Altron wants to use them, they are flipped down and used, making them faster to use than Shenlong's were. Both arms are capable of extending pas there normal length allowing Altron to hit an enemy outside of the Melee range with a dragon, destroying it. When one of the Dragon's reaches an enemy, it then crushes an enemie's head with it's "jaws". Attached

Twin Bladed Beam Trident: An improved version of Shenlong's beam grave.The blade is larger than the beam grave's blades. The blade seems storng enough to destroy an enemy mobile suit with one blow. It has blades on both ends of the weapon, unlike Deathscythe Hell's Double Bladed Beam Scythe which has both blades on one end. Altron ususally uses this with both blades activated and is known to use it in conjunction with one of the Dragon Heads.

Twin Beam Cannon: This is attached to Altron's back and looks like a scorpion's tail. It is usually flipped up when Altron wants to use them. However, I have rarely seen Altron use them in battle as he seems to favour the Dragon Heads and the Beam Trident.

Flame Thrower: Two of these are attached to each Dragon Head, increasing the mobile suit's range of attack. Altron is known to crush an enemie's head with a Dragon Head, then use a flame thrower at point blank range.

Dragon Shield: A rather useless weapon. This is attached to the edge of Altron's left shoulder and doesn't really do anything. I don't know who decided to put it there, or why.

6.Vulcan: This is Altron's backup weapon. These are very weak and rarely use. I don't think I've once seen Altron use them.


When Wufei returned to space to battle OZ, Shenlong seemed to be at a disadvantage in space. During a battle, Shenlong's right arm (which was extended) was destroyed. Wufei barely escaped. As well as losing it's right arm, the mobile suit was low on fuel and badly damage. Wufei let the enemy capture himself and the Gundam and was thrown into prison on the Lunar Base. The five scientists took the remains of Shenlong (as well as Deathscythe) and decided to upgrade the mobile suit rather than fix it. The scientists got Altron to the 80% complete stage when Wufei (and Duo who was also captured) escaped and took the Altron Gundam. He then made the completions himself.

Closing Thought:

The Altron Gundam is defently a decent Mobile Suit. The Beam Trident is an excellent Melee weapon and the Flame Throwers and Twin Beam Cannon provide excellent Long range abilities. This mobile suit is desiged to get in the enemie's face and attack rather than rely on strong armour like Sandrock or speed and stealth like Deathscythe. Altron is also one of the few mobile suits which was able to stand well against Wing Zero. All in all, Altron is a decent mobile suit.

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