XGl200 0.04 a.k.a. Scott's Glide Wrapper ------------------ In case you don't know, this is a program that emulates 3dfx hardware by translating Glide (3dfx's proprietary programming interface) calls into Direct3D calls. I'm developing this on a system with a G200, so results are probably best on that card. However, I have heard that this wrapper works well on ATI Rage Pro, Rage 128, and TNT cards as well. Usage (Be sure to read this!) ------------------ Just copy the file glide2x.dll to somewhere in your path. Alternatively, copy the file to the game directory (e.g., the same directory as ultra.exe in the case of UltraHLE). You must also copy the configurator.exe file to somewhere. The location is not critical, but you MUST run it before using the wrapper, and you must rerun it for every new version of the wrapper. Testing ------------------ I have only tested this on my home system: PII-400 G200 DirectX 6.0 Win98 Games: Perfect: None :-) Almost perfect: MadTrax Croc - Legend of the Gobbos Need for Speed 2 Outlaws UltraHLE /w Mario 64 UltraHLE /w Quake 64 UltraHLE /w Zelda 64 UltraHLE /w Bomberman Hero Very playable: UltraHLE /w Doom 64 (very dark) UltraHLE /w StarFox UltraHLE /w WaveRace UltraHLE /w Banjo Kazooie UltraHLE /w Tetris 64 Playable, but a little slow: UltraHLE /w Goldeneye UltraHLE /w Mario Kart UltraHLE /w Rampage World Tour Playable, but ugly: NBA Live 98 Pandemonium 2 Unreal These are the only games I have to try it with, but let me know if you have different results! Source code --------------------- Licensed under the Library GNU license agreement. See below for details. If you want to help develop, I'm not really interested in a partner, but if you fix a nasty bug, let me know and I'll be sure to include it. You need VC++ 6.0 to compile the source. No need for the Glide 2.0 SDK anymore. Credits --------------------- Massive credits go to Khalid Shaikh of the DirectGlide wrapper and Let of the Glid3D wrapper. A number of times I got past sticky points by glancing at (or sometimes cut & pasting from :-) these guy's code. Other credits go to (for spotting bugs and other stuff): Francisco Leong For some great performance tips Mark Bridgett For the awesome XGl200 logo! Norman Jonas For some great programming tips "ClideMan" For the great idea of using execute buffers Wes Harris For bug reports and moral support Rene Gollent For some great help Les Ramer For some performance tips Richard R. For more performance tips Ryu ChongJin For pointing out a subtle bug "Sifun" For showing me how to disable the cursor and many more... (don't feel bad if I forgot you, I just have a bad memory)! Configuration --------------------- You can set various tweaks with the configuration tool Please select your card under "Card Model" for the optimum configuration. If you don't see your card, please select default, and let me know so I can add your card to the list! VSync: Tells the card whether to wait for a vertical refresh before swapping buffers. May be faster in off position, but ugly "tearing" may result. Antialiasing: May result in smoother appearance, but will be much slower, and only supported by some cards. Texture clamp mode: Try selecting "alternate" if characters seem to have duplicate features (i.e., Link has three mouths). Z-Buffer: Can be used to reduce "out of order polygon" problems. For example, the pathways in Zelda may flash. The default for your card should work best, but you might want to play around. G200 owners, please enable "32 bit zbuffer" in Matrox Display Properties for best results! AlphaOps/ColorOps: Only for the advanced user. Gray checkboxes mean "use defaults". For those of you who are wondering, if the intro Mario has a black head, unselect D3DTOP_ADD to get it looking correctly... and be sure to let me know what configuration you're using, so I can add that to the list! The other checkboxes may or may not fix other blending problems. FPS Count: Makes a cute little FPS meter in the corner of the screen. It actually decreases performance slightly, so only use it for comparison. Process Priority: Really, this is only for UltraHLE, although it may work for other games. Set to High or Realtime to boost the priority of UltraHLE, hence increasing it's speed (and decreasing the sound skipping). Buffering: Triple is fastest if you have an 8+ meg card, but it might not be compatible with some games. Set to double if you're having problems. Card model: Select your card from the list to load the optimum settings. The database will be expanded in the future, especially with input from you guys! If you would like to see an addition, and you know the best settings for that card, let me know and I'll add it to the list. Logging: This setting should not matter much. If your glide.log file is filling up to megabyte size with error messages, drop me a line with the messages you're getting so I can attempt to fix them. In the meantime, you can disable the logging so your game doesn't grind to a halt. ATI Text Fix: Enable a workaround to make text visible on the ATI cards in Zelda. May make the game ugly in other parts, though. I don't know of a way to truly fix it, since their driver is broken. Caveats --------------------- Obviously, this is a work in progress. Many color/texture blending modes are not supported. You must have a hardware accelerator. The wrapper will create a glide.log file in one of your directories. It shouldn't get too big unless you play for hours on end :-). You'll quickly find out any other problems I forgot to mention :-). Contacting me --------------------- The best way is email, at spcutler@ucdavis.edu. You may also visit my web page at http://wwwcsif.cs.ucdavis.edu/~cutler (check out the programming section). You may also visit www.glideunderground.com for updates. Version Log --------------------- 0.01 First versioned release 0.01a Multi-resolution support Performance enhancements More color modes (Mario Kart fixes) 0.01b Color mode fixes (Zelda fixes) Capability checking and logging 0.01c (beta) Mario cart fixes 0.01d (beta) Zelda text fixes for TNT and ATI cards 0.01e Performance enhancements Official release of 0.01c-0.01d features 0.01f Performance enhancements Zbuffer fixes, enhancements (water in Mario now correct) 0.01g Zelda button text fixes Screenshots now work in UltraHLE NBA Live 98 almost works 0.01h Mario Kart fixes 0.02 New configuration utility 0.02a Fixed bug in config utility 0.02b NFS2 SE now working again Performance enhancements 0.02c More performance Broke NFS2, sorry :-(. 0.02d NFS2 working again :-) Added FPS counter and priority setting to config util Color blending fixes 0.02e Configurator additions Now correctly exits the window, so you may save games to a file properly in UltraHLE 0.02f Croc - Legend of the Gobbos working almost perfectly Fixed Z-buffer and color keying because of it (so other games may start working). Zelda text workaround on Rage cards 0.02g Goldeneye bug fixed again Backend improvements Prformance enhancements 0.02h Fixed palette support Compatibility improvements, Outlaws, Madtrax, NBA Live 98, and Croc 0.02i Backend improvements Performance increases 0.02j Frame buffer lock emulation (fixes Croc, among others) TNT Goldeneye fix 0.03 Removed the SDK! Lots of other bugfixes, I don't remember them all. The may be other problems, though, from converting to non-SDK code. 0.03a Bugfixes galore! 0.04 Reworked LFB engine Reworked texture engine Paletted texture support More games working again (Unreal, etc) Fixed crashing bug Lots of other bug fixes! License --------------------- Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Scott Cutler This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA