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Saturday, December 14, 2002

hey wuddup? i think i got premium ahah iono propz to susuan for fixing it up haha latezim out  its like 10"20 lol

hey wuddup? i think i got premium ahah iono propz to susuan for fixing it up haha latezim out  its like 10"20 lol

hey wuddup? i think i got premium ahah iono propz to susuan for fixing it up haha latezim out  its like 10"20 lol

hey wuddup? i think i got premium ahah iono propz to susuan for fixing it up haha latezim out  its like 10"20 lol

hey wuddup? i think i got premium ahah iono propz to susuan for fixing it up haha latezim out  its like 10"20 lol

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