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Exile & Blitz

This is on the next 2 dogs from the Road Rovers
Exile and Blitz

Exile would be next in line The Siberian Husky. 

This is Exile in the snow , and this is Exile after trotting through the snow and in a whole new "coat".
 Yes, Exile is one awesome pup. He is very cool by the way he looks you would think he was related to Cyclops, but No, He would make him run and hideski. This Comrade is very cool his eyes are more then you think. He can do laservision, ice freeze and X-ray Vision( So I would watch what your doing because (the  eyes of March (Exile) are upon you. Exile is also very smart, and is the mechanic of the group. Colleen tries to help him, but he gets mad when she or the other do it right. So he's kinda of the do it himself kind or guy. He also can get disgusted especially when Blitz wants to bite tooshie, and he would say" quit, being weird boy". Doesn't really help. He usually gets his American slangs mixed up like  "its a piece of beef" instead of "cake". Exile also loves his home country (in fact they all do.) He will always stand proud next to his flag. Personally I think he's the best (I hope the others don't take it personally.):-)
I mentioned he loves his homeland well is home land happens to be Moscow, Russia
well, here is what Exile gets to see at home: very beautiful, I might add.

St. Basil Cathedral                         Kremlin Cathedral                          St. Sophia Cathedral

Bolshoi Theater                                              Tsar's Bell

Next is a Doberman( may I remained  you that. No male Doberman has been on the good side until, THE BLITZ came @)

Blitz went from a junkyard terror. To a bat out of hell type funky looking baby magnet;-) well look . *wow*. got him at a bad time.

Yes, Blitz (Who?) Blitz you know the Doberman gosh Colleen get it right for ones( he gets this all the time from her. Blitz kinda gets kicked around by Exile, Colleen (all the time), Muzzle, and even Shag, but Hunter hasn't unless he get ticked at him. He always try to be the leader the only outcome that make Hunter like him, but never get the chance, get his name mispronounced by Colleen and public embarrassed by Exile, poor pup. There is good out of this. hum...hum... OH!, Yeah! He is very strong and sharp his teeth can cut through steel( superman) and has sharper and stronger claws  slice then Wolverine( he just pitiful). Blitz is very proud of himself, and of his country. No I won't bring up the past like the 1940's. (Thank You alot.) hey, your welcome Blitz. Blitz has very awesome weapons ( I'll show and talk to you about later).

Here is some pictures of what Blitz home is like. Here it is BERLIN, GERMANY:

 Brandenburger Gate                                                            Dresden

Gedachtnis Kirche                                   Reichstag  Building                       Relchstag Amusement Part

Shag and Muzzle on the next page