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round 4

Here are 4 more out of 16.

The thirteenth Pokemon would be

Sandshrew is a ground type Pokemon. Who is very agile underground, He can dive in to cement, and make very cool mazes someone could get lost in. Sandshrew is a very intelligent Pokemon he can snick up on his opponents and attack them with out warning. Sandshrew is #27 on the Pokemon Chart. His attacks are Dig, Acid Tunnels, Spike Strip, Slash, Earth and crackin'.


The fourteenth Pokemon would be

Vulpix is a fire type Pokemon. She is a very lucky Pokemon. Vulpix will always come out winning. She can attack from a far distance and the victim won't know what hit 'em. Vulpix is a beautiful Pokemon. She's the kind to repay you back in different, yet surprising ways. Vulpix is # 37 on the Pokemon Chart. This beauties attacks are Flame Drill, Fire Blast, Fire Canon, Rope of Flame, Ember Storm (this is a hot one.) Vulpix is a very generous Pokemon. She loves to help her friends.

The fifteenth Pokemon would be

Houndour is a dark/fire type Pokemon. Houndour is a Johto type Pokemon. This Pokemon is one puppy you don't want to get hot under the collar. Houndour is a very slick Pokemon. He is very sly too. Houndour isn't all nasty, he can be gentle too. He is very Protective and will defend the ones who are true to him. Houndour is a very trustworthy friend who would do what is take to please his trainer or friends. Houndour is #228 on the Pokemon Chart. This pups attacks are Flamewheel, Gravity Enforcer, Universal Crane, Flamegate and Dark Stare.

and the sixteenth Pokemon would be

Totodile is a water type Pokemon. Who is also a Johto type Pokemon. This alligator is a very "snappy" guy. He is a very funny Pokemon to have. He is very wise and is willing to do anything that he can do to beat down the fool who challanges him. Totodile is #158 on the Pokemon Chart. His attacks are Water Knife, Blast To The Past, Water Whirl, Spitter, and Surf. This is an alligator who will remember you for years to come.