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Temporary Home of Nihan Heavy Industries


NHIDS Recruitment

Nihan Heavy Industries: Overview

Back in 3002 Frey Nihan started a company called Nihan Idustrial Business Interests(NIBI). It was from this venture that the idustrial giant Nihan Heavy Industries was born. Initially Nihan began with 24 employees in an office on Frey Nihan's homeworld of Archernar. In just 8 years after that they became a multi-million C-Bill corporation on Archernar and the surrounding worlds of Basalt, Tigress, and Rio. 4 years later NIBI became a multi-billion dollar corporation after aquiring rights to mass produce the Centurion battlemech in that sector. They then aquired Menot Industries and became Nihan Heavy Indutries(NHI). At the formation of the RTOS, Nihan was Knighted by the republic for charity donations throught the sphere. Today his company lives on in his spirit and continues to conduct business despite the recent HPG grid incidents.

Nihan Heavy Industries: Production NHI, currently is one of the biggest producers of ConstructionMechs, 'Mech Fusion reactors, Starships hulls, Ship reactors, and the Centurion Battlemech. Due to the dis-armament policies, NHI has scaled back on it's Centurion and fusion reactor production, but keeps factories on stand-by. NHI also manufactures MiningMechs and conducts large scale mineral and ore mining operations through the Sphere.

Our Factories

Currently NHI holds IndustrialMech production plants in Prefectures III, II, X, IV, and V. Starship operations are held in prefectures III, X, and IV. The remaining Fusion reactor and Centurion plants on stand-by are kept in III and X.

Our Headquarters

Our home offices are located of beutiful Terra on the North American continent. Our first HQ and most historic office is located on Archernar. MAjor HQ's are also held on:

Ozawa-Capitol of Prefecture III. PIII's regional HQ is located in the capitol city.

IV regional HQ is on Tikonov.

X and main offices are on Terra of Prefecture X

II's regional HQ is on AL Na'ir

Regional HQ for V is located on Liao.

The NHIDS Due to recent events and battles, NHI has activated their NHIDS for active duty.

Current Regiments Are:

2nd Ghost Lancers

12th Urban Operations Unit

31st Kami-ai battle corps

*More to be posted soon*

Members: Chibi*Hotaru Silverbolt Wolfhound Blanner

If you are interested in joining up, and we hope your are, then visit our recruitment page via links listed.

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