The following material is an adaptation of a starship design from the TV series MACROSS. Please feel free to use, copy, and distribute it as you see fit. All I ask is that you give proper credit to me and do not claim that it is your own work. Comments and suggestions are welcome.


RPG Stats by Newtype Alpha (
Background info provided by NEWTYPE ALPHA PRODUCTIONS


The smallest ship in the Supervision Army's vast fleet is also the oldest and most numerous. The craft itself seems to date back to the days of the Protoculture when the use of hyperspace fold technology was not yet widespread, and the design has been obviously modified to include more advanced technologies by both the Supervision Army and the ship's original creators. It is generally thought that these ships were originally used not unlike the old ARMD platforms of the UN Spacy, as a planetary defense ship and fighter carrier to support the first line of defense. Later, as interstellar travel became more commonplace and space conflict began to rise, the need for power projection became too great to ignore and these vessels were modified to serve as interstellar patrol ships to keep order in the outer colonies, leaving any heavy engagements to local Zentradi units. Despite the extreme age of the vessel, the simplicity of the design and the unremarkable construction of its parts makes them extremely easy to build and maintain. A single ship can quickly carry a large amount of combat mecha to a given area or avoid detection during commando missions and raids against enemy territory.

These small craft account for roughly 61% of the entire Supervision Army fleet, and anyone with experience is careful not to take them lightly. The frigates are not especially impressive in terms of armament, but they are surprisingly agile even for small vessels, and combined with the use of reaction weaponry makes them extremely deadly in even small groups. Later modifications to these ships by some protoculture colonies have enhanced its gun armament and physical resilience, but the standard configuration of the ship holds true throughout the Supervision Army's fleet.

Vehicle Type: Scout Frigate
Government: Supervision Army, Kingdom of Suran
Manufacturer: Supervision Army, Protoculture, Kaladan Engineering
Crew: 1,040


(1) Main Body                                                 9,000
(2) Main Engines (6)                                            700 each
(3) Command deck/bridge                                         300
(3) Sensor Array			                         80
    Anti-warship cannon pods (10)	                        450 each
    Anti-Warship Missile Launchers (2)                          150 each
    Anti-Mecha Laser Turrets (6)                                100 each 
    Anti-Mecha Missile Turrets (3)                              150 each 
    Airlocks/Access Hatches (24)                                100 each
    Armored outer hull (per 40ft area)                          200
    Interior walls (per 20ft area)                               10


  1. Depleting the MDC of the main body will put the frigate out of commission. All internal systems will shut down, including life support and internal gravity. The ship itself will be an unsalvageable floating wreck.
  2. Depleting the MDC of the main engines will force the ship to rely on its secondary engines. Depleting the MDC of the main engines AND secondary engines will leave the ship adrift in space. If in an atmosphere, the ship will crash.
  3. Destroying the command deck will instantly kill the command crew and deprive the ship of all forms of long range communications, radar and targeting. The range and targeting capabilities of the secondary systems are equal to that of an FZ-62 Queadlunn-Harszchaats. The ship can still operate, but is at -3 on initiative, -3 to strike, and number of attacks per melee of the weapon systems are reduced by half. Destroying the main sensory array on just forward of the engine block will have the same effect, but the command staff will not be killed instantly.


Speed (Sublight): 0.30 speed of light
Speed (Auxiliary Drives): Mach 2.0
Speed (Space Fold): 1 light year every 6 minutes
Planet bound: Can operate for long periods of time in an atmosphere, but not designed for planetary use. Can only land in body of water (has no landing gear)

Maximum Range: Unlimited (estimated life span unknown)



Length: 415 m
Width: 87 m
Height: 95 m
Weight: 200,461 tons

Fold System: Protoculture Advanced Fold System Cluster

Sublight Drive: Protoculture Impulse Drive Cluster

Gravity Control System: Protoculture Gravity Control System
Auxiliary Engine: Protoculture Rocket Motor Cluster

Sensor System: Protoculture Advanced Tracking Cluster


  1. PARTICLE BEAM CANNON (20): The frigate is comparatively lightly armed even for such a small vessel, as it was not originally intended for full-scale combat operations. Its only anti-ship armament is a token array of slot-mounted particle cannons imbedded in self-contained pods along the side of the ship. Each of the rounded structures contains four cannons, two forward and two aft, that can fire on 45 degree arcs either fore or aft of the ship. The barrage they can produce is not especially impressive, but when used in combination with the ship's small size and agility, the frigate can whittle away at larger enemies little for a cumulative effect.

    1. PRIMARY PURPOSE: Defense

    2. SECONDARY PURPOSE: Anti-Warship

    3. RANGE: 10,000 miles (16,080 km)

    4. DAMAGE: 1D4x100 M.D. for a single blast, 4D8x100 MD with a full barrage

    5. RATE OF FIRE: Each cannon can fire twice per melee (15 seconds) by itself or combined with others in a full volley. No more than 8 cannons can be brought to bear on a single target.

    6. PAYLOAD: Unlimited.

  2. HEAVY MISSILE LAUNCHERS (2): The Supervision Army frigates were originally equipped with a lunch system for reaction missiles when they were designed thousands of years ago, and since that time the design has been left mostly unchanged. The launchers release missiles sideways through slots on the hull, and once out of the ship the missiles themselves activate their propulsion system and begin homing on on their targets.

    1. PRIMARY PURPOSE: Assault

    2. SECONDARY PURPOSE: Anti-Warship

    3. RANGE: 3,000 miles (4824 km)

    4. SPEED: Mach 2 (1340 mph/2140 kph) in an atmosphere.

    5. DAMAGE: 4D8x1000 M.D.

    6. BLAST RADIUS: 3,000 feet (915 m)

    7. RATE OF FIRE: The rapid reload system used on the missile launchers allows each tube to be loaded and fired once per round.

    8. PAYLOAD: A typical frigate carries 100 missiles in storage that can be readied for firing in about 5 minutes. Additional missiles can be carried if deemed necessary.

  3. RETRACTABLE LASER TURRETS (12): One of the major weaknesses of these ships is their vulnerability to enemy fighters (something both the Zentradi and the GSDF have been known to exploit). The ship is armed with a small array of defensive lasers, six on top and six on the underside of the ship, three each mounted fore and aft of the hull. These lasers do not provide much defense against enemy mecha, but in combat are mainly used to help defend larger ships from attacks by fighters and battlepods. The frigates instead rely on anti-mecha missile turrets for fighter defense.

    1. PRIMARY PURPOSE: Anti-Aircraft


    3. RANGE: 60 miles (96.4 km)

    4. DAMAGE: 1D6x20 M.D. each. Several lasers can be directed to fire in volleys of 3 or more. A volley of 3 beams does 3D6x20 M.D., a volley of 6 beams does 6D6x20 M.D. if it hits.

    5. RATE OF FIRE: Each laser can fire once per melee, and can be combined in any volley combination of 3 or more lasers, up to 25 lasers. Volleys can be directed at different targets.

    6. PAYLOAD: Unlimited.

  4. ANTI-MECHA MISSILE LAUNCHERS (8): The main defensive weapon of the frigate is also one of the more effective fighter defenses in the Supervision Army's arsenal. The missiles are mounted in vertical launch tubes concealed behind armored coverings in the outer hull and fired in a manner resembling the meltrandi Queadlunn-Rau powered armors. Each launcher can fire a full volley of missiles and reload extremely quickly for continued use, thus tasking any attacking mecha to negotiate through swarm after swarm of missiles in order to attack the ship.

    1. PRIMARY PURPOSE: Anti-Aircraft

    2. SECONDARY PURPOSE: Anti-Warship

    3. MISSILE TYPES: Any type of medium range missiles can be used. Smart missiles are commonly used to avoid hitting friendly aircraft.

    4. RANGE: Varies, typically 120 miles (182.8 km).

    5. SPEED: Varies, typically 1600mph (2571kmph).

    6. DAMAGE: Varies, typically 2D6x10 M.D.

    7. BLAST RADIUS: Varies, typically 15 feet.

    8. RATE OF FIRE: One per melee, volleys of up to 21 missiles per launcher.

    9. PAYLOAD: Each circular launcher holds 21 missiles ready for firing. Once the missiles are expended the launcher is reloaded within 1 round via an automated system. The reload system holds 250 missiles per launcher.


  • ANTIGRAVITY PROPULSION SYSTEM: The Supervision Army frigates are equipped with an anti-gravity propulsion system used for planetary landings and liftoffs.
  • HYPERSPACE COMMUNICATIONS: Based on the same technology as the space fold system, the hyperspace communications relay allows faster-than-light communication between starships and other vessels or planetary bases. Hyperspace communications are still not instantaneous, however. Audio/video communication travels through hyperspace at a rate of about 1 light year per second, so messages communicated over vast distances can still take seconds or minutes to arrive.
  • LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEMS: The frigate has sufficient life support to provide breathable air and comfortable temperatures for up to 5,000 people for up to 10 years (air was recycled). In an emergency the life support system could support up to 18,000 people at one time, provided the majority of those people are micron-sized. The ship contains enough food and water onboard to support the crew for up to 2 years (with recycling).
  • LONG-RANGE LASER/SATELLITE RELAY COMMUNICATIONS: The impressive communications array of the battle frigate can communicate with up to 5,000 craft simultaneously at ranges of up to 3,000 miles (4824 km). This range can be boosted indefinitely by using satellites or other spacecraft as to relay communications.
  • LONG-RANGE RADAR: The radar array of the frigate is equally as impressive as the communication system, and can track and identify up to 3,000 craft simultaneously. The radar system has a 4,000 mile/6,400 km range.
  • SPACE FOLD SYSTEM: For FTL propulsion, the frigate is equipped with a Protoculture Advanced Fold System Cluster, capable of propelling the ship through hyperspace at speeds up to 3.28x10^10 mps (5.25x10^10 kps), or 1 light year per 6 minutes. The range of the fold drive is theoretically unlimited except by the life expectancy of the spacecraft.
  • SUBLIGHT ENGINES: As a backup to the Fold System, the ship is equipped with Protoculture drive cluster that can propel the craft at speeds up to 0.24 speed of light (38,400 miles per second) in space. Note that these engines are mainly intended for rapid movement inside a planetary system and are not suited for long voyages between star systems. In a planetary atmosphere the ship is limited to speeds of Mach 3 maximum due to hull stress.
  • SUBSPACE MASS SENSORS: The frigates are equipped with subspace sensors, which are based on the same principles as the hyperspace communications array. These sensors can essentially instantly detect mass readings and movement of objects up to 1 AU (93 million miles) distant from the ship, and the readings are used both for early warning and for navigation when traveling at sublight speeds. Readings taken with the subspace sensors are not very detailed (-25% penalty when trying to identify a detected object) and cannot detect objects of less than 60,000 kg (this includes most variable fighters).

  • FZ-62 Queadlunn-Harszchaats: 10
  • Raulon-ve Fighter Pods: 80
  • Glaug Infantry Pods: 140

  • Macross: Legends of Megaroad Fanfiction